officially done with study and project

Aug 01, 2021 09:17

well, i have been done with study since july 7th.... but the project closed yesterday (though because of me being the head of organisation for the whole thing, i have still some things to do, and information to hand over, and i kinda want to stay involved and help as much as i can... but that is for another day
as i have been gone for a lot of time, i think it is time for a recap time - again XD""""

i still do not know the grade of my oral exam... my best guess is a B but it can also be a C. both is fine as long as i passed it.
so, after that was done, i poured all my energy into the project (as did the other remaining 10 members, of which 2 are Alumni already, and therefore can no come to the competition next year no matter what)
i was so close to tears due to stress so often (luckily none of the team-members realised that, and i got
lyonessheart just a call away to calm me down...

i would like to share pictures, but due to the size of my team, i would dox myself, and sorry but i am not that keen on that. as far as the project and the competition goes i have this to say:

  • we did really great

  • we did more than we ever expected - even if our points do not reflect that

  • i do not get along well with the new captain, but he is not really my problem so i just let that go

  • we were all exhausted - and i do not mean just my team: around 2pm at the latest every team was asleep, which is unheard and unexpected for a student competition, the reasons i can name are:
    1. due to no competition last year, it was the first competition for many people there, and that makes it exhausting, because you dont know when, what, how, etc

    2. the new guys also struggled to get the cars running - because the worked with a design/built car they have not built themselves

    3. for my team: we were just too small to have a party group, every member had 3-5 roles just to make it through - we were beat after a day, and we stayed in the pit until 1am... and went back there around 6-7am...

    4. the weather: it was awfully hot, and then it rained and went back to being hot again - lucky us this time our sleeping bags and our tents stayed dry

    it is not a complete list of reasons, but i think it is a decent one

  • we finished as the 2nd best team from my country - that is awesome and we are proud of that!

  • our new guys learned a lot - which hopefully helps them in the future

so i came home friday NIGHT and went to bed after midnight, only to go back to the workshop yesterday and do the clean up, and after the clean up i drove my friends home, and on the way back, due to a thing happening on the highway, i got lost in the Country and it took a lot longer than i wanted to, to get home, but i did *yay* and nobody was hurt so far - once i did not notice the sidewalk, and i have to pray that my right front tire survived that collision without loosing air... *fingers crossed* will check tomorrow

today, i tried to do all the stuff - mostly cleaning the flat, sorting out cloths and doing laundry - THERE IS SO MUCH LAUNDRY... but also i fell asleep all over the place, but i hope it will get better after a few nights of good sleep.

so now that this part of my life is over, i am back to job-hunting!
hopefully i will find something amazing really soon - i will start with it tomorrow and make it work as best as i can!

and that is all i have to say so far, lets chat some more in the future, and i should be back now for real, as long as rl is not going to blow up again, which currently i cant imagine it would *yes*

best wishes,
chat with you soon

over and out

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me & myself, personal, life story

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