with great joy- today i saw the timeline for the
me is so excited
with this fest i will conclude my first active year in the hp-fandom!!!
Owl Post Guide ♥
Choose an Owl
Original art by
leochi. Banner by
Choose Your Owl/Post Your Wish List: August 19 through 30
Gift Assignments sent out: by September 6
Submission Date of Gifts to the Owlery: November 25
Owlpost Gift Delivery: December 1 until 31, or until we run out of gifts
Reveal of Gift Makers: January 2, 2015
one can already go and choose a form and fill it out
here i bet it will be amazing (i still need to read some of the amazing stuff created last year *blushing in shame*)
however new year, new gifts, old awesomeness!
*happy dance*