[Fic:] Drabble - "Nice Daydream"

Jul 03, 2015 08:06

Title: Nice Daydream
Author: smirkingcat
Rating: G
Paring none? but maybe implied Snape/Lupin
Word Count:100
Summary:Dreams are never forbidden!
Content/Warning(s): none
Disclaimer: Harry Potter characters are the property of J.K. Rowling and Bloomsbury/Scholastic. No profit is being made, and no copyright infringement is intended.
Authors note dear smallbrownfrog I know its still not really that cracky, but i promised you i would use it- so i did. I hope it makes you smile!
also this is my first drabble- i'm not really sure about it, but i hope it makes sense!

They're annoying, not that it's anything new, but after all this time, it still holds true.
Why is he in this kind of situation?
Why hadn't he refused the headmaster?
Severus looks up in surprise, noticing the rockslide falling down on the students, he and Lupin are out for the fieldtrip.
He is sure he'd save them, however this is such a sweet solution to his personal hell.
"Wanna go for some drink?" Lupin asks, surprisingly undisturbed. A dream come true!
Severus sighs and opens his eyes, seeing a bunch of ungrateful kids.
What a nice daydream that had been.

char: remuslupin, contians: au, fanfiction, fandom, char: severussnape

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