update anyone?

Jun 20, 2015 12:39

so most of the awesome ppl in my fl already know that life has been a real downer for me this last month... i ranted so much to them that i really am all ranted out but i try a new approach that is: IGNORING! i want to try to ignore the bad things, that are out of my control. the first try didn't last for 2 days because some very bad things were said about me and my feelings, but a retry is aways ok isn't it?

on the other note I am well mostly - and i am giving me a treat now and dating up my lists XD because I like to see where i have gone to in one month and 16 days

daily to do list
  • reading quota for theses
  • train japanese vocabs and kanji and translation because i got way to lazy on that*
  • math- goes on the list, because i need it
  • hula-hoping- actual body activity i still can do and like
(* i got that down in 3 points so i can cross them out more and feel more accomplishment)
uuups i ignored that part most of the time- yeah routine doesn't come overnight I guess

writing list
  1. mpreg- because overdue! but i am still in a fun place when working on it, so i keep going
  2. claiming post for mpreg
  3. rare - this story is odd- it behaves, it has a working title and i am not fighting with it when i add more words - how will i survive its oddity?
  4. i spoke way too soon about rare- but the hand in is done and this story too deserves to be claimed later on
  5. drizzle because yes i did
  6. collab with lyonessheart
  7. one (yes only one) additional fest I am not yet decided on
  8. owls- as soon as the sign ups are out and i know what to do, but i will do it again
  9. b-day giftes for
    1. t
    2. l
    3. tc
    4. n
  10. stories in my mind:
    • songfic hpdm
    • songfic nmlm
    • fic idea from sbf
    • another fic idea from sbf because she is that awesome
    • finish one of my wips and maybe start posting it

things that need to be done
  • go to the doc again appointment not made
  • go to the court and take care of something
  • meet with friends - also date is set
  • get boxes for frog
  • meeting friends again - date set
  • toggle down things on my fandom reading list - i am still behind on some erised- stories and I haven't even started on bb *headdesks*

somehow each fest i enter i leave with one done story and one wip... i must do something wrong... will be interesting to see how this will go down in the future
i dont really have more to say
so I shall leave you with my best wishes for you <3

me & myself, personal

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