Jun 29, 2008 20:49
Ten Things I Wish I Could Say to Ten Different People Right Now:
10. I want you to be unhappy, and I don't know when that will change.
9. I'm afraid that if you know more about me then you'll worry about me or that you won't like me. I'm sorry. I'm trying to change.
8. I wish we'd spent more time together.
7. I wish we were closer.
6. I'm so worried about you.
5. It is possible to be happy. I hope you figure out what you need.
4. You continue to impress me.
3. I struggle to imagine a horror I wouldn't visit upon you.
2. I wish you could see yourself through my eyes. You are cooler than you think you are.
1. You are better at what you do than I am at what I do.
Nine Things About Myself:
9. I am afraid of being weak.
8. I'm afraid that I won't be a good doctor.
7. I have a birthmark on my right buttock.
6. I am a very picky eater.
5. I wish I knew more about cars and computers.
4. I am embarrassed about my appearance, but I avoid complaining about it.
3. I want to have more money.
2. I want to have more tattoos.
1. I miss having an exciting romantic life.
Eight Ways to Win My Heart:
8. Make me laugh.
7. Be able to back up your beliefs.
6. Let me show you affection without things getting weird.
5. Show me affection.
4. Be intelligent.
3. Be good at something interesting.
2. Put some effort into changing the things you don't like about yourself.
1. Be honest.
Seven Things That Cross My Mind a Lot:
7. I wish I wasn't so angry at ex's.
6. I have no one to blame but myself for a lot of problems in my life.
5. I wish I saw my friends and family more.
4. I wish I had learned to play the guitar and piano.
3. I wish I had never stopped studying martial arts.
3. How attractive am I?
2. Will I be the doctor I want to be?
1. Is my bohemian-esque life over?
Six Things I Do Before I Fall Asleep:
6. brush teeth
5. take meds
4. pee
3. tell the cats that it is time for bed
2. undress
1. set the alarm
Five People Who Mean a Lot:
5. my parents (I'm counting them as one entity for the purposes of this survey.)
4. Brian
3. Christine
2. Heather
1. my brother
Four Things You're Wearing Right Now:
4. jeans
3. tshirt
2. boxer briefs
1. um . . . a look of contemplation, I guess
Three Songs That You Listen to Often (Currently):
3. "Until It Sleeps" -- Metallica
2. "Hey Jupiter" -- Tori Amos
1. "1234" -- Feist
Two Things You Want to Do Before You Die:
2. become smarter and stronger and stay that way for as long as I can
1. find and maintain love
One Confession:
1. I tend to hold grudges for a long time.