Title : Mafuyu no Kakigori (Shaved ice in MidWiter)
Author :
smilling_kiddo Pairing : Daiki Arioka x OC
Rating : PG-13 maybe? not sure.. :-/
Genre : Romance? help me please ._.
Warning : just kissing~ :D and wait! it's un-beta ._.
Summary : Daichan said that Shaved ice in winter feel warm.. can you believe his word?
It’s snowing again… I put my hand inside my thick jacket and …
Sura sura sura sura sura
Oh God.. can he feel something in his hand?
Sura sura sura sura sura
“Nee.. Daichan… isn’t it getting cold?” that ‘Sura-sura’ sound is make me crazy! But he still continue turning the blue Teddy’s head and smilling to me. “it’s fun! You wanna try?” and I just answer it with my i-wont-do-that-you-moron smile.
Who wanna do it anyway?! Making kakigori in the middle of winter?! Yes he’s mad! And I’m not!
“Dekitta yoo!!! Nee nee Aki-chan! Choose a syrup! and and!! Oh! I bring some fruits! And oh I have some chocolate!!” he said bouncingly like a kid with his new toy. I grabbed his hand. “nee Daichan!! It’s cold here!” he suddenly stop and stare deep to my eyes which maybe make me blushing like stupid!
“And why it must be Kakigori in the middle of winter??” I said continuing my sentence. Then he smile with his 5-years-old-boy smile, pouring Shocking Pink syrup to the ice, and give a little chocolate.
“because it’s warm” he said with a full spoon of Ice. Err.. I don’t want to imagine the taste in my tounge. “Aki-chan want to try?” I shook my head “no Thanks”
Suddenly I can feel something warm in my lips. A kiss?
“nee.. it’s warm right??” he said with his smile while I’m still registering what was just happen.
“its.. warm…”
Mafuyu no Kakigori… I might love it.
hahahahahahahahhaa no comment from me! XDD
and did you know that I really love COMMENTS??? XD
YES I DO!! cos it's my first english fic! XD
so please! XD