I was trying to fill in the Interests section of my profile and found it surprisingly difficult to list the fandoms that I've been involved with. So to clarify for me, as well as to any one dropping in, here's the list of shows/movies and primary pairings. Brief flings, innumerable, are not included.
Longterm Loves
(love the source, enjoy discussing as well as reading)
- Due South (S1-2, RayV/Fraser)
- Farscape (gen, Crichton/D'Argo, Crichton/Aeryn, Crichton/Scorpius, Braga/Scorpius; any pairing, really, if it's sufficiently crack-addled enough)
- Wiseguy (Sonny/Vinnie)
Fanon Only
(only keeping up with source in order to follow the fic)
- Merlin (Arthur/Merlin, though not unhappy about Gwen and/or Launcelot joining in)
- Supernatural (not particular but Wincest is just fine; gen, too)
Evaluating / Currently Watching
(could be interesting)
- Dollhouse
- Kings (David/Jack, gen)
- Life (gen mostly, but Charlie/Ted is good)
- Leverage (the Parker/Eliot/Hardison fic is compelling )
- Psych
- SGU (because Robert Carlyle is in it)
Interested In / Watching
(but not in a fannish way)
- Burn Notice (dude, I have an OC AU in my head and it has ruined me for all that excellent Michael/Victor. I think I'd actually like to read Fiona-centred gen, though.)
- BSG (Do Not Spoil me, plz)
- Sarah Connor Chronicles (Do Not Spoil me, plz)
- No 1 Ladies Detective Agency
- Pushing Daisies
- Lost (I might have been fannish if I'd watched it as it was originally airing)
- United States of Tara
(still interested in good fic, but not active in show's fandom)
- Alias (Jack/Michael)
- Angel the Series (Gunn/Wesley)
- B5 (Londo/G'Kar)
- Boston Legal (Denny/Alan)
- BtVS (Spike/Inanimate Carbon Rod, Giles/Spike)
- DeadZone (Johnny/Bruce)
- Doctor Who (Master/Doctor)
- Firefly/Serenity (Zoe/Wash, Zoe/Wash/Mal, gen)
- Heroes (Do Not Spoil me, plz, Mohinder/Matt)
- Highlander (Duncan/Methos, Duncan/Amanda/Methos; Methos or Joe with pretty much anyone)
- Hornblower [TV] (Hornblower/Pellew)
- House (House/Wilson)
- Keen Eddie (Eddie/Monty, Eddie/Nathanial)
- Life on Mars UK (Gene/Sam)
- SG1 (prior to Jack leaving, OT4 especially)
- Red Dwarf (Rimmer/Lister)
- Rome (Pullo/Vorenus)
- Smallville (Lex/Clark)
- Star Trek TOS (Spock/Bones)
- Star Trek TNG (Picard/Q, Data/Geordie)
- Star Trek DS9 (Bashir/O'Brien, Garak/Bashir, Sisko/Ducat)
- X-Files (Mulder/Krycek, Mulder/Skinner)
- 3:10 to Yuma (Ben/Dan)
- An Unfinished Life (Mitch/Einar)
- Butch Cassidy and the Sundance Kid (Butch/Sundance or Butch/Etta/Sundance)
- The Fast and the Furious, I and IV (Dom/Brian, and ok, you've convinced me, Mia/Letty)
- Gattaca (Vincent/Jerome)
- Kiss, Kiss, Bang, Bang (Perry/Harry)
- L.A. Confidential (Ed/Bud, Ed/Lynn/Bud)
- Lawrence of Arabia (Lawrence/Ali)
- Ocean's 11 (Danny/Rusty)
- Master and Commander (Aubrey/Maturin)
- Pitch Black (gen, Riddick/Jack - when she gets a bit older)
- Play It To the Bone (Cesar/Vince, if I could find any)
- Plunkett & Macleane (guess; don't mind Rochester or Rebecca either)
- Ravenous (Boyd/Ives)
- Shawshank Redemption (Andy/Red)
- Tombstone (Doc/Wyatt)
- Wild Things (Ray/Sam)
- X-Men (comics to an extent, too; Logan/Remy, Logan/Scott, Xavier/Eric)
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http://smilingslightly.dreamwidth.org/50757.html. Please comment there using OpenID.