Mar 30, 2007 00:20
I think maybe it's that Trent Reznor used to know so many things that I didn't. Now we're on much too much the same page. One of us needs to get off it.
I like Italy I want to stay. I'm in love with Arlechino. And Luciano seems to think I can play him.
Oh. I must simply must pay homage in a brief and cheeky way to that grand spring break. I can't think of a more epic word than epic right now. It was so much more surreal than it even seems now. This must be remembered. Another absolute and we know how much I hate those I can't say much more than it was perfect. Especially the frigid British walks and nausea. And we spent a night in a German bar? After a ... Nine Inch Nails concert? We asked ourselves at one point, "Who is dreaming this shit up?" Then we made eye contact and figured it out.
Rome tomorrow. Perugia the next tomorrow. Then the obvious and obligatory day of rest. Then 6 days of clowning. I am going to school to create a clown. And I've never been this excited about any sort of training in my life. Oh yeah: and terrified.
This just in-- Hunter S Thompson was one of the best ones in history. Jesus creeping shit, what took me so long? He lived in a fortified compound near Aspen for fucksake.