Feb 14, 2006 02:19
So last Friday and Saturday the ratio was this, 20 hours of work 6 hours of sleep. It sucked.
Just got back from a concert.
It was the following; Madgjest(i don't think i spelled it correctly) they had about a half hour set, played four songs, and were completly instramental, not one lyric was sang. I thought they were awesome, one would actually have to be a bit brave to try that out.
Veda; this was a band with a female singer, a hot female singer, and i see this and immediatly a flag goes up. Now, a band with a female lead singer can be great, if done correctly, we don't want another Morningwood here. Luckly this band was amazing, and i really enjoyed it.
MuteMath; Saw these guys at Life Fest last summer, thought they had a great show. This one was like 47 times better, i mean they are all just so crazy. See if you can wrap your mind around this. The drummer pickes up his hiatt(two cymbal thingy) and walks to center stage,while still playing a rather quick beat. Now some one puts a stool upside down on the piano next to him and another stand next to that. He then starts hitting the stand, and stool and mircrophone stand with the cymbal is this amazing sounding beat. Then the bassist starts hitting another cymbal, and the singer is now whaling on the bass drum, meanwhile the gituarist is on his knees playing this extremly fast, high pitched back round beat...it was amazing. MuteMath is one of, if not the, best live shows i have seen.
Check these guys out, they are worth a listen. Peace.