Oct 03, 2005 02:27
This past Saturday was my birthday - 22 years old. I'm just climbing that ladder of age, eh? Hehe. I went out with my family to a 'Civil War Reenactment' and I'll tell you it was lame. They had cannons, and a bunch of fellows in period clothing.. but there was no army, no fighting - nothing really of any historical value witnessed.
They were however selling brown, blue and green chicken eggs.... and there was a boyscout selling popcorn.
After that my parents treated me to Pizza Hut, which I haven't had in years. We visited and talked.. the entire event was rather enjoyable. I went home after that and hung out with the guys - Garrett and Randall - for pretty much the rest of the day. Kailey came over later, a lot of people in the Guild said Happy Birthday and eventually I fell asleep. Didn't drink a darn bit of alcohol - first birthday in roughly three or four years I didn't get stone drunk. It was what I have mostly always wanted my birthdays to be.. mostly nothing but another day with a couple happy birthdays and wish-you-wells along the way.
Oh! And Courtney stopped by which rocked because I don't see her much anymore. It's good to see friends from time to time - there are a number of people I wish I had more time to see, but don't have the time or the money to do so. On a connected note, I have the next week (until Sunday) off on paid vacation. I have the time, now who wants to get together?
Saw Holly up at school a week ago or so.. that was a bit strange, at first. It took me an amazing amount of time to recognize 'love' as a real feeling I had for this woman.. we aren't together anymore. There are a lot of feelings left around, though.. and I've never been the type to ignore himself for too long. We talked for a moment, hugged and walked our seperate ways across the campus. There are many moment in which I think of her and what could have been - I think some people do this sometimes.. think about what could have been and regret decision made. I have a long future ahead of me, and though I regret we are no longer together and won't be sharing that future I know things will be just fine.
I know miss her though - hehe... I'm not jealous of Nathan.. or angry of her decision to be with him, but in the end it does make me a little sad to know goodbye was goodbye.
Things are moving along nicely - I am switching my major and minor - instead of Journalism major and Sociology minor - it's going to be quite the opposite. The more I take classes the more I realize how much I love the field. I'd like to get my masters and eventualy my doctorate.. but for now I just want to get a degree and stop working shitty gas station jobs. It's really a bad rub on my morale to have to deal with people who immediately assume that because you work at a gas station you are less intelligent and less important than them... I do, however, love seeing them get flustered when they realize their silly mistake.
There's not much else to report. I probably have something going on somebody would find exciting but I, like many other people may, find my life routine and regular. But I'm looking, folks, don't think otherwise - my search light is always on for a better tomorrow or a better day ahead.. and things aren't bad now anyhow though my eyes are moving and my fingers grabbing..
.......my toes a tappin'.