(no subject)

Nov 06, 2005 02:06

It has been a while since I have written...so sit back and grab some coffee cause this is going to be a long one...

Let me just say that this week has been quite a week. It started out pretty good...then I basically hit rock bottom...then I am up again! I know I know it is 1 30 in the morning but hey I just had an amazing night. But before we get into tonight let me take you on a journey to the begining of the week...ok ready??? Alright let's go!!!!

The week really did start off very good. I was living life...going to classes...you know the basic normal stuff...Monday night Tia, Krista, and I had our little Bible Study...It went amazing...Oh how I love those girls!!!!

Tuesday I had a really awesome day (except I died...yes I died...Krista killed me...IN ASSASSINS!!!!!)...went to Outback...chilled for quite a few many hours (I know that prolly didn't make sense...oh well)...went to a wonderful dinner with Tia...then TNT...AMAZING!!!!!!!!! I was telling everyone that I got the job at Outback...woo hoo...everyone was so excited...they told me that they were going to come visit me...I felt very special...that night was so amazing!!!!

Wednesday...or in other words...the conflict of the week...dun dun duuuuuuuun (sorry trying to be dramatic...not workin so hott at 1 35 in the morning)...The day started out pretty well...nothing too bad...once 1pm rolls around things went downhill...I had written down that I was suppose to do my sharing for my Sociology class for next week...but was suppose to do it this week (meaning wednesday)...then I went to Outback to find out that I had not gotten the job and what I went in Wednesday to do was basically finish up the interview process...so I found out that I wasn't resturant material by the little "test" that I took...so the manager decided that I couldn't be hired...even though he liked that I came in with a smile and whatnot...but because I didn't really "pass the test" I could not be hired...oh the little things that don't get me hired for jobs....anyways...I had called my mom...cried on the phone with her...then I go to Old Navy to get PJ pants to cheer me up...then I get a call from my sister and cry on the phone with her...then I come home and chill at the apartment for a bit...probably cried once then...oh yeah I took a little bit of a nap...to wake up and remember that I didn't read the little article that I had to read for a "project" (aka...short answer question) in that class...meaning I read it 10 mins before class...getting enough info to hopefully get me atleast a C on that...go home...cry a little more...feeling really sick...don't want to do anything but sit in my apartment with my PJs on eating ice cream and watching a movie! Take a little bit of a nap...waking up and realizing I have 5 mins to get to 3A for our special "event"...drive to campus...feeling sick...get to the apartment...start crying again...working myself up even more...mind you I really am not as upset as I looked...I just really need a day to really calm myself down...and I didn't have that yet...all the way to our special event I felt like I was going to be sick...crying all the way there...and when we get there too...Oh yeah we went to the park...AMAZING (well it really would have been if I wasn't feeling so awful)...got sick...Tia drove me home...went to bed...

Woke up...THURSDAY...Ok so this day didn't start out too hott but turned out to be amazing in the end...ok woke up...planning on skipping my first class...1)to write the theatre paper due that day 2)because I really didn't have a way to the school...my car was there!!! Problem: My theatre books were in my car...meaning my outline for the paper was in my car...my car was at the school...I am offcampus...not a good thing...but to my suprise I handled this situation extremely well...I decided that since we had to email the professor our paper anyway I would write it...email it to him and then take the hard copy to his office...well that is exactly what I did...I emailed it to him...then slid the hard copy under his door...the rest of the day was just chillin...until dinner...went to dinner with Kelly...whom I love to death...see dinner was interesting...there was this guy...who looked like Josh Groban...A MAZING!!! So I decided to try and take pics of him with Kelly's phone...that didn't work out as I planned...Like once we got the zoom working the one pic I took with the zoom it was blurry and then he left...but I am sure I will see him sometime cause he does go to SU!!! Well then Kelly and I got the bananas we (meaning Kelly) were going to give George (AKA...only kelly and I know...mwhahaha)...but being the creative one I am...thought it would be cool to write on the bananas...so on the one we just wrote to:george From:kelly...then on the other one...we (meaning I) wrote a verse...it was I think Jn 4:35...it was about being ripe or something of that nature...George thought it was cute...and creative...then we went to prayer...once again AMAZING!!!! then it was time for CRU...which CRU really touched my heart this week...just Pastor Reid making me realize that I need to live and not lead...I needed that message. UMmm...the it was mingling...then cool beans...then home...

Wow long entry...sorry...but if you love me you can read the rest...this section shouldn't be too long!

Well today was just amazing!!! I woke up...went to my advisor meeting...taking 6 classes next semester...which let me tell you...might be tough but hey anything is possible with God on my side...anyways...switching advisors for next semester...ummm then it was the most amazing QT...I was outside in Red Square...just sitting at the picnic table...it was the most amazing time...then it was to lunch...then a little walk back to the red square with Eric...then library for a bit...then class...then chillin with Kelly before Jenn took her home...then cool beans...then Skittles meeting...then home for cleaning...oh my goodness did I do some cleaning...then it was PART-AY time...It was so much fun...a bunch of girls came over...with the intention of watching a movie...but we decided talking was much more fun...then everyone but Tiff and Joy left...so Tiff, Joy, and I watched Duplex...Good movie. Now I am here!

Ok well now that you are probably half asleep I should go...getting sleepy myself...goodnight all!!!
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