Aug 15, 2011 12:34
~Kikwang's P.O.V.~
"HELLO~ kids, I brought some sweets to eat!" I cheerfully announced as I skipped into the apartment. Truth is, I wasn't just coming to visit. I had to know if he really was him or not. Stopping in front of the kitchen door, I peeked in to see Hyunseung standing there with Junhyung collapsed on the ground, practically sobbing his heart out. I just stood there awkwardly, unsure of what to do. " something the matter?" I wondered, my head spinning in confusion.
Hyunseung looked up to see me and was momentarily suprised. "Oh, Kikwang hyung." Standing up, he grabbed my by the shoulder and dragged me out of his room. I glanced at Junhyung who appeared to have calmed down some. Finally finding it ok to talk to me, Hyunseung began explaining all that had just happened.
I stood there, dumfounded. Oh my god. It really was him. Yong Junhyung. Yong Junhyung was the same one. He was the same as the Yong Junhyung I played with in the past. The same one whose parents had....
He turned to look at me with a worried expression on his face. "Yeah, hyung?"
"Would you like to know Junhyung's past?"
~Junhyung P.O.V.~
I can't believe what I just did. I just blew up at Hyunseung. I really hate myself, but it's not like I wanted to hurt Hyunseung as well. My problems were my own problems. No one should get involved. I felt my eyes glaze over as I remembered what had happened so many years ago...
"Goodbye, Junhyung. We'll be back soon." My mother's voice echoed through the empty house as I stood there, alone in the large marble hallway. I turned and walked sadly back up marble stairs to my own huge room, where I sat on the bed. Alone.
My parents were some pretty rich people. Owned a few hotels here and there, ran some huge company, always leaving me by myself to go on buisness trips. They loved me. I knew that. The rare occasions they were home, I could feel them trying to spend time with me, to make up for always leaving me. I would enjoy that short time, the times together only to be interuppted by some call from some person with some trouble. And they would leave again. That was what had happened this time.
As I sat on my bed, a melancholy tear dripped onto the covers. Noticing this, I hurriedly tried to wipe it away. I shouldn't cry. There was nothing wrong with my parents leaving for their job. My life wasn't as bad as some people. I was poor, I wasn't a drug addict. All these things didn't take place in my life. I shouldn't pity myself. But...
Ding Dong. The doorbell sounded. Sighing, I got heavily to my feet and walked back downstairs to open the door. I was then faced with a grinning, cheerful boy. "Ah, Kikwang hyung, what are you doing here?" I asked dully.
Kikwang's bright grin faded, to be replaced by a concerned look. "Yah, Junhyung, did your parents go again?"
When I stayed silent, Kikwang took that as a yes and started to rant. "Yah! What kind of parents are those? What jerks!!! They shouldn't leave you alone like this, that's so crappy of them!"
"Kikwang hyung, don't say that." I pleaded. "They really do love me..."
Kikwang snorted. "Suuree they do." he commented, sarcasm dripping from his voice. "Parents who leave every other day to go on buisness trips, leaving their eleven year old son at home to fend for himself without even hiring someone to look after him totally love thier child."
Those comments went straight to my heart and felt like a knife slicing into it ribbons. "They don't really mean it... They really do care about me..." Those words sounded half-hearted even to me, like I was trying to persuade myself.
Kikwang's facial expression softened, and he patted me on my shoulder. "Hey, i didn't mean to make you feel bad. Come on, let's go play in the park."
Trying to put aside my worries, I attempted a smile and said, "Mm, okay."
A few days later, at school
"Ugh!" Junhyung groaned as he was kicked one more time in the stomach.
"Hahahaha!!" the older boys laughed while once again pressing his foot onto Junhyung's face. The ringleader stepped up and fisted Junhyung's hair, lifting his head so he could see Junhyung's eyes. "Where's mommy and daddy, huh?" he taunted. "Are they gonna come and save you?"
"They will..." Junhyung weakly managed to gasp out.
"Pshh!" The boy spat on Junhyung's face and pushed him to the ground. "As if!!! They don't want you and can't even stand to be with you! That's why they're always gone!" Continuing his torture, the boy went on. "What's the point of being rich when your parents abandoned you, huh?"
Junhyung tried to cover his head as the blows and hurtful words continued to come at him, like a raging tornado.
"I'm home." Junhyung called out, expecting to hear his voice echo back to him like it always did, but was suprised when somebody actually answered.
"Oh, darling, you're home?"
Junhyung's mother and father walked towards him, smiling cheerfully. When his mother's eyes landed upon his torn clothes, bleeding face and bruised body, her expression changed immedietly. "Junhyung!! What did you do? We told you not to cause trouble while we were away!!"
Beginning to fuss over him, she continued scolding him. "Seriously, why do you insist on making a mess out of things? Your parents are very important people, so don't make them waste their time on this."
Slap. Junhyung's mother was shocked as her son slapped away her hand. "Don't touch me." He said loudly.
Now it was his father's turn to speak. "Junhyung, that is very disrespectful. How could you act that way to your mother when she's trying to teach you? She loves-"
"Don't talk to me about love!" Junhyung screeched. "Parents who leave every other day to go on buisness trips, leaving their eleven year old son at home to fend for himself without even hiring someone to look after him," remembering Kikwang's words, Junhyung continued. "Is that what you call love?! Is that what you think love is?! If that's the case, I don't want any of it!"
Junhyung's parents were shocked for a few seconds before his mother said, "Honey, you know, we really-"
"No! You don't!! I hate you!" Junhyung screamed, his face contorting in pain as he let out all the frustration and empty hope he had held in since long ago. "I wish I hadn't been born if it was to people like you! You should just die, and it wouldn't even make a difference!" As he finished saying this, Junhyung ran out of the house and slammed the door with a bang.
His parents stood there, looking at one another sorrowfully. "He's right, you know." His father spoke up sadly. "We really don't deserve to be his parents."
His mother nodded in agreement. "We've really been terrible to him, haven't we?"
Their devasted glances met, and then they reached a silent agreement.
Meanwhile, Junhyung slowed his pace and began scuffing the sidewalk. "I shouldn't have said that." he exclaimed out loud. "They're still good parents, they don't deserve that..."
Turning around, Junhyung ran home, determined to apologize and make things right.
The door opened with a creak. "Dad? Mom?" Junhyung peeked inside and was suprised to see the normally well lit house to have all the lights off. He tentatively took a few steps inside. "Dad, mom, you know I didn't mean it right?" Junhyung said, his voice shaking. "'s dark, I can't see. Where are you?"
Walking deeper into the gloom, Junhyung felt as if he was being swallowed up by the darkness, enveloped in the blackness. "Mom? Dad?"
Looking around the entire house, reaching out to blindly make sure he didn't run into anything, Junhyung finally reached his room. "Are you in here?"
All that he got as an answer was the slight breeze blowing aside his curtains. Flicking on the light switch, what Junhyung saw made his blood run cold in his veins. "Mom?! Dad?!"