If you’re not that into TV shows, this entry may not be for you so feel free to skip! :)
You have to love Monday nights. :)
I loved tonight’s episode of Chuck. I love that they showed how knowing the intersect affects Chuck’s life and his relationship with his sister and Morgan. I mean, they’ve always showed it somehow, but I think the conflict was more apparent in this episode. And we’re also learning a bit more of Chuck’s backstory. I don’t know if what we’ve learned would matter later on but I guess we’ll find out.
And Heroes? Gaaah, sooo good. And I’m not saying that just because it’s Kristen’s first episode. Okay, maybe that’s partly the reason why. But really, that episode didn’t bore me at all. I’m embarrassed to say that I only figured out Monica’s power tonight. Heh. Matt’s storyline has become more interesting. I didn’t trust that guy at all. I initially thought that the nightmare man was Sylar back in Season 1. Because when Molly tried to locate Sylar, she said he (Sylar) can see her too. Hmm.. But I’m probably wrong. I love how this episode got me thinking! I might have to read recaps of Season 1. Should I? I’m not really active in the Heroes fandom. Is the show big on continuity? Seems like so but correct me if I’m wrong. Oh and of course, KB. *sigh* I see how people see Veronica in Elle. I mean, she’s looking for Peter! Isn’t that what PI’s do? Hee! How old is her character supposed to be? Her last scene just made me wonder about that. Oh and Elle, you know why you didn’t get the information you wanted? You didn’t do the infamous head tilt!! Hahaha.
That’s why I can’t hate Monday all together. It can’t compare to how Tuesday nights used to be but I guess it’s the next best thing. Veronica Mars Season 3 DVD comes out tomorrow! I won’t get mine until later this week or probably even next week but I can wait. I think. Haha.
Oh, and I finally switched to a paid account. It’s a long time coming. I thought I’d try it out for a year, see how it is. And I want to add more icons. Haha. I’m also thinking about making this journal ‘friends only’ just so I can check it at work and stuff. Heh, I work at a bank so I’m sure they’re watching. ;) But we’ll see. Can’t wait for next week! There’s still Pushing Daisies this week, can’t wait! I haven’t seen the episodes after the Pilot for Moonlight. Well, it’s not like I’ve even seen the whole Pilot. Heh. You know I just watch it for JD. And I heard Jason isn’t on the fourth episode, so if you’re like me, don’t bother watching it. :)
Okay, I’m off. Work tomorrow. I’m missing the bum’s life. But I gotta pay the bills. ;)