[013] Ship is Sunk

Aug 24, 2008 07:30

[Filtered to the 4423 and the Winding Way // Difficult to Hack]

Well Jushirou-dono, it looks like your luck is with us once again! To everyone else, my journal was destroyed in the crash so I can't currently recieve messages from it, but Souji was kind enough to loan me his so I will be contactable intermittently. If anyone happens to have a spare difference engine lying around, it would be great if I could borrow it for a while.

We're concentrating our efforts to fix the ship from the engine room. If you haven't already been assigned to a task, or if you have any skills with ship repair, please come speak to Souji or myself. For those aboard the Way who don't know me, I'm Heihachi.

To those scouting the terrain, please keep an eye out for any large water sources. We're going to need it.


[Private to Captain Isako, Souji, Kambei, Gorobei and Hijikata // Unhackable like you wouldn't believe]

I don't know if Lavi managed to get my message to you, but in the process of stopping the water flow, I discovered evidence that the ship has been tampered with. Besides the obvious clue that none of our failsafes reported anything out of order before we found the result of the leak, I found the close-off valve for the main pipe line had been sabotaged. In addition, I've been back to inspect the source of the breech in the pipe, and it's cause is definitely not natural. The steel seems to have been deliberately corroded, either by acid or some kind of sorcery. We might want to have one of the mages check it out.

I will be trying to withold this information from the crew, and especially from the members of the Winding Way until directed otherwise. There's a chance that someone on our own ship could have had a hand in the damage, which I already have my own suspicions about so be careful with who you confide in.


[Filtered to Lavi // Difficult to Hack]

Hey Lavi! I just want to make sure you got upstairs okay. The drain started pretty shortly after you left. Did you manange to deliver my message?


[Filtered to Gorobei // Hackable]

Gorobei, Souji said you wanted to hear from me. How is everything going up there? What's the status of the crew?

...Have you heard any news about our lost crew mates?


[OOC: Strikes Gone. 8|]

mechanic at work, using a loaned journal, taking it to the higher-ups, hurting like hell, i smell a traitor, might be overdoing it, katayama gorobei, lavi

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