Aug 04, 2013 05:02
Wow. Reading my old posts and EVERYTHING is... kind of embarrassing...
At least I can safely say I've matured since 2009! Or the way I write MAKES it look like I've matured ;). So... this summer I've kinda gotten nostalgic of my Japanese roots after I started watching old clips of JE stuff that I saved on my external hard-drive and after re-watching Gachi Baka (which happens to be the first J-Drama I've ever watched). Its weird because watching all the old Shokura performances like HSJ, (do people even use that term anymore?) Ultra Music Power and Butoukan, Now and Forever (are they still even a thing?) made me curious to see how everything has changed since then.
I'm trying to find a current Shokura episode and I'm cringing on the fact I'll most likely have no idea who 3/4 of the people are and the whole 'HOLY SHIT I'M OLD' factor will probably come in. The last snippets I can recall while watching Shokura was that JUMP (I guess I'll use the current lingo) were like slowly taking over Shokura and Juniors like that Anderson kid, Masuda Ryo, and people who I remember not knowing even when I was a full fledged JE fangirl were getting more screentime to fill up that lack of Kisumai, NEWS, KAT-TUN, and K8.
So what have I been up to? Well long story short, I grew up! Last time I posted... I was finishing up 9th grade in high school... Now I'm a university kid and in less then a month I'm going to be going back to school and begin my 2nd year as a Pharmacy student... (Wow how time flies!) I think that might possibly be become the 'regret' in my life. Back in 2009 I had dreams of doing stuff that would still let me be connected with Japan and Pharmacy is the furthest thing from that.. Haha but thats a whole different story for another time! Even after I stopped posting on herefor a while I was still kinda active. If anyone recalls my last post I did follow up with typesetting for STORMY team sub. Literally that stressed the hell out of me but I did learn and became a better typesetter so I am grateful for that. But after awhile I kinda realized I had to straighten out my priorities... Unfortunately typesetting and being an admin of a NEWS forum wouldn't help me with school so I ended up resigning from both. A real example on how real life can kick you in the ass! But during four years I have become more 'Americanized'... I mainly listen to english speaking music now, watch english speaking TV shows, I follow sports (NY Knicks anyone?), seriously the whole nine yards. HOWEVER. I still keep up with Arama! So I do know all the juicy gossip/scandals that have happened. Being such a huge fan of NEWS you don't want to get me started on Yamapi leaving NEWS.. And whatever the hell Jin is doing. Also, seeing JUMP debut and choosing Okamoto Keito to be my favorite member when I saw him messing up the choreography in the corner of the screen... All I have to say about the recent "scandal": WOW KEITO. SO RUDE. Haha joking. Kinda. :)
Well, I have no idea if I'm going to write another post but now I'm going to find all the recent JE clips/videos and see how its changed since 2008-2010 when I was very much in the JE fandom... I'm sure I will put up another post (lets hope it doesn't take another 4 years). I was thinking if it would still be possible to get back into the JE fandom like posting once in a while on here, watching JE clips and dramas, listening to the lastest single from my favorite J-Artist, yaddi yadda yadda... and as sad and depressing as this sounds I really can't.. Since then my priorities have hugely changed and it would just become a huge distraction which I really can't afford to have. However I really am grateful I got to be part of the JE fandom. It really did become a huge chapter of my life filled with so much freaking happiness. Watching the old clips I just had a huge ass grin on my face and it brought me back to a simpler time when I didn't have the amount of worries and stress I have now.
But yea.. Now I can't remember why I'm writing this... I guess its to say Hi and yes I'm still alive? xD I'm looking back at all the old LJ pages I used to go on and its sad to see how some people/groups are either inactive or totally gone but then there are others that ARE still active and I give them so much props. Its so sad to see NEWShFAN gone but I found her on another website and I watched a recent clip of Morimoto Shintaro.. HOLY SHIT HE GREW UP. Last time I saw him he was this short midget who was singing about snow or some shit like that. (I'm sure my reaction will be just the same when I get my hands on Shokura).
But anywho thats it from me!
Alexis signing off~
I hope everyone is having a lovely summer. :)