May 28, 2004 01:49
Oh man. That's like my life right now. I thought I was generally happy. But it's not really working out that way.
The stupid job search kind of sucks right now. I must be screwing something up at interveiws. I can't really put my finger on it though. But oh well...It's probably really getting to the point where I don't expect to get the job so I just go to these interveiws with the expectation that I will not get hired.
I guess it's not that bad. I can stay here at Fitchburg. I will probably be a professional BD in the fall, although its still not certain that there will be any positions available. But I can always stay a grad assistant and just not make any money. I am happy with my summer position here though. I get to do a lot of the planning for RA training and for the fall in general. It's a great experience. I'm also on the committee for NESAPC which is a job placement conference. All these schools with positions go there and a bunch of people looking for jobs go there. Then all these interveiws take place. Working on the committee is fun and also a good experience and at this point it looks like I will be interveiwing there so who knows how that will go.
I actually applied to a couple of non res-life jobs. Which is just crazy cuz where would i live and would i still go to school and how can i even get a job outside of reslife. Who knows! Anyway I'm gonna go cuz really I don't wanna talk about this anymore and the other avenues i would go down would just be more resentful and bitter i think.
On the positive side I kept my availibility at friedlys to just the weekends and I dont have set hours for OCL so I will have some time to myself and some flexibility this summer. I have been really into going to Barnes and Nobles and reading I read an entire book and then some of another today in about 4 hours. The book I read was by Christopher Reeve if it was like Nothing is Impossible or something like that it was pretty good. The really starnge thing is that the accident that paralyzed him happened exactly 9 years ago today (well thursday the 27th) and it never said the date until the afterword. I wa slike whoa...just starnge that i would read the book on that exact date without even realizing it. The other book that I started is pretty awesome too it's called "The Fat Girls Guide to Life" and it is so good so far, really funny and just wicked honest. Anyone who has ever felt fat or thought they looked fat or tried a diet ever should read it. I hope the rest of it is just as good.
Oh and because someone has felt left out...I want to make sure everyone knows I am heels over head in love with the cutest, sweetest girl ever...I love you dollface!! muah!
Ok I wanted to end on a good note :-)
Shout Out Time!
Sarah - You keep dreaming big hunny ;-)
Thelma - Nothing but love for you hunny!
Wanna a shoutout - leave a comment!