Easter, easter, easter. It's a mess. On this day i eat, eat, eat. Next day's the same and i feel like i gained 10kg + in one day ;_;
And i got SO MUCH sweets. gooosh. i ate too much, i don't feel well atm. so now i gave everything my siblings as a present, because i just can't / don't want to eat all that. D8
I'd prefer to get something different, but can't choose! Almost the same in December: Nikolaus! Gaaaah...
Btw, my internet connection is still the worst. I wonder what's wrong, it's so fxxking annoying =_=
and yesterday i attended
betamon's birthday [tea] party. it was a lot of fun and the desk was soooo wonderful decorated!! *_* every visitor got a little selfmade pendant as a present, i chose this cute litte chicken ;3;
and how much can you fail? 8D
i shouldn't draw, when i'm not in the mood to draw ¦'D
i catched again one of my own
last.fm kiribans!! yeay!
only 6 days left until the concert! there'll be "The Special After Party" in several cities and *dun dun dun* in vienna too! yeay, i didn't know that! ¦""D (should read their myspace blog more often... *drop*) I guess everyone's allowed to shake their hands and get a signed postcard (wich is actually printed), just like in munich last year lol
"You will have a chance to meet maya and Aiji face to face!! It must be a special moment for you."
From their official
myspace. gosh. the last sentence made me laugh ahaha XD Sounds like talking to kindergarten kids, doesn't it?
But yay, i'm glad that there's something like this again >w<
The day after tomorrow school start's again and i didn't do what i should have done. (surprise, surprise!) But especially a video and I'm kinda frustrated because i just dunno how i should manage it. I'm quite messed up atm ;__;