on monday i worked and stayed overnight at babsi's place. being dorky all the time is really great, especially with you, my dear 8DD
on thursday there was a school event, we drove somewhere to ski. but i didn't go there to ski, i took photos and ate tasty stuff! *A*
on my way home. the weather at home is also very...... white. snow, snow, snow. i was so happy, i thought spring's coming, but -14°C is not spring at all! at least it's getting warmer again now :/
on wednesday - i had to work and today was the marketing test, so as you might guess i'm currently very busy. i'm sorry, if i don't reply to comments immediately or don't write comments to your entries ;_;!
today i also met stephie, we build letters with a piece of sugar-packing! paper can be everything! it's all about your imagination!
-insert rainbow here-
(that's so spongebob-like LOL)
next week php test, history and an english tim burton report. ahh, i also want to see alice in wonderland ;_;
oh, and today i got a letter. summer holidays - got a job!! yay! this year i'm finally 18, so i get more money, harhar >w< and i also got a 1L coca cola for free coupon! lucky day, yaaay~! XD