besides my crappy face and hand
MACOnvention was great ♥ again i met alot of (new) people! thanks to everyone who helped me out, bought something, thanks for all the compliments and just everything! *_*
some picture-posts will follow: the j-music-corner, which i decorated; my own booth, doping panda concert, etc!
and here, finally my unexpected good school report!
bwahahaha. i've NEVER been so good at school, holy moly. actually i was supposed to get a 1 in "medientechnologie" too, but somehow the teacher wrote the wrong mark.. argh... with the right mark i've got an average of 1,5 - last semester i got 1,9!!
when did i start to be a nerd?
and i'm not that bad at english, heh? but i'm better at writing than talking - gotta work on that! next school year are going to be my finals ~ huh D:
btw: i have to read some books in english - any suggestions?