thursday i went shopping with
sunochan in wels and on friday with diana in vienna :D on thursday i bought mainly black stuff and on friday pink. hahaha... ¦D;; this post is pink-based!
but on thursday i bought girly stuff too ¦D the right ring somehow reminds me of punky heart by LM.C!
H&M in vienna offers much more stuff than in my town & first time ever i bought something from the body shop, ahw~ smells so good!
and i love product photography :) it might sound boring, take a picture of something but... yea, i like it!
a wonderful BODY LINE bag i got @ made in japan last week ♥ you also see pink pants and a white ruffle skirt - i wanted all three since ages!! *_*
sweet♥ticket necklaces wheeeee! pandas! onigiris! strawberries! eat 'em up! errrr... no, wear them all! i just made them yesterday & i don't think it's possible to sell all of them, but i'll give it a try xD 5 days left! yeay~!!
tomorrow's my first working day of my summer job! gonna work there 3 weeks. furthermore tomorrow i'll show you other stuff i bought + my pretty good school report ♥