May 17, 2005 10:20
Work is driving me nuts lately...
Last week I had to fix a report my boss sent in for a grant. SHe had done it completly wrong and "didn't have time to do it right." So she gives it to me to fix. I knew nothing about the grant...
Yesterday I got yelled at by a parent because her son hasn't gotten his FREE sweatshirt yet. There was a mess up with the order, nothing I had control over. I wanted to say "hey lady it's free, get over it."
Today I get to work and there's an e-mail from one of my supervisors, saying I never did the quarterly reporting for a grant (different one than above)and now it's late, so I should call the state people and apoligize. Grrrrr... I pulled up the e-mail I sent her 4 weeks ago with the completed reports and resent it to her.
I'm sick of taking crap for stuff that's not my fault!!
Ok.. done venting now.. thanks!!