Apr 02, 2006 22:46
I have been eighteen for nearly 2 months now. And I'm finally getting the hang of saying eighteen. I usaully have a couple months and I say my previous age because i still don't feel like I've had my birthday. But this year it's different. I say eighteen because I have to. But really i feel about twelve. The age when you first start to experience the world. you first begin to have close friends and actual homework and you begin to enjoy life. You still need you parents and you rely on your friends. without them your world would crumble. today I am twelve because i still need my mom and i still need my friends. and i am too scared to imagine a world without seeing them everyday. I may have the physical apperance of an eighteen year old, but I am not. Inside i am a cowering pre teen afraid, yet happy for life to come but still wanting to experience it with those i love. Not wanting to step out of the box even though my outside appereance tells me I have to. so for now, Im stuck in the cross roads. I don't know exactly how I should feel or act because I have two ages pulling at me. ONe day i wish i could just figure it all out.