Endings Lead to New Beginnings!

Aug 24, 2006 12:54

My last day of work was yesturday. I'm really sad. . .  I've been working there for half a year! I remember when I first started working there, people would tell me they'd been working there for a whole year. I thought that seemed like an eternity. Now, half a year doesn't seem that long at all. I was just starting to make friends with my co-workers! I finally started to get the hang of everything (I can't believe it took 6 months!) and now I have to leave.  I'm really gonna miss all my Finley's Ho's. We're like a little cult. I'll still be a finley's girl though. I hope to come back and work on some weekends as well as on the breaks. But for now, It's Bye bye Finley's....

On a happier note, I only have 10 more days until I move into my dorm room!  I'm So excited! I can't wait to finally meet Amy. It's gonna be crazy! She sounds really cool! We've been calling each other and sending e-mails back and forth getting things set up. We're gonna have so much fun!

Alright well I'd better go have some breakfast. Peace out!
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