Okay okay...

Feb 22, 2007 22:01

I'll write one. A post Ash Wednesday post. lol.

It was very different for me than any other Ash Wednesday. I had to work around my schedule to get my ashes, at 7 am in the morning. It was the start of a very long day.

I just did a lot of thinking. About how my friends don't understand the sacrifices I will make for my religion and just how much it means to me. It hurts to have some of them make fun of some of the practices that Catholics do. It hurts. And then I went to work and discovered how conservative the people of Oberlin really are. They want to go back to mass in Latin! and kneeling during communion! and everything that Vatican II fixed and made better. It was slightly frustrating.

I thought a lot about my grandpa too. I don't know why. I've never spent Ash Wednesday with him, but I guess the beginning of Lent made me think about all the crosses he made for us on Palm Sunday. And it made me think about how good he was at going to mass even though he was getting old. He wouldn't be proud of me for not going to mass every Sunday.

And after a lot of thinking I decided that I'm going to go to mass every Sunday this semester and I'm going to get involved and I'm going to bring a little liberal spirit to this so darn conservative community.

And WOW, you'ld be surprised at how much 12 years of Catholic school leaves out about the Catholic church. I love religion class.

I don't know what I'm saying. I guess that I've been a bad Catholic, better than a lot that I know, but still a bad Catholic.

And this Lent I'm going to try to fix that.

I miss....YOU

P.S. on a completely random note. I've become addicted to Grey's Anatomy. And I've watched all the previous episode from seasons 1, 2, and 3 in like a week. But now I'm caught up and can't use that as my procrastination excuse anymore. and tonight's episode made me cry. again.
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