(no subject)

Dec 29, 2008 22:31

Story has ended.
Game is over.
We will go back to the past, when we are good friends.
Cause like this we will communicate better.
No more arguments, sadness.
Thanks for the memories love.
Takecare and goodbye. (:

I want school to reopen(!!!), because i miss my friends badly.
I don't want school to reopen(!), because i've not completed those assignments.
I want school to reopen(!!!), because i want to meet my new classmates.
I don't want school to reopen(!), because i think i'll have a hard time dealing w/ teachers who deal w/ discipline matters.
I want school to reopen(!!!), because i want to know who are the teachers that teach Dorea.
I don't want school to reopen(!), because i'm afraid that i might not be able to understand sciences.

LOL. Might(!), go for chalet on sat ._. Mummy's friend's one. But i've not completed my work. So i'm still deciding. Might just go for BBQ. LOL. But will fat one lehxz. Mummy say: "Nobody ask you to eat." Okayxz lorxz. I don't eat. Mwahahaha. But she will nag like rahgaga. So, what now? Homework(ing)? Nah, give it a miss. Not in the mood to. Sleep? Don't feel like. I just feel like staring at the stars. But there's no starxz. ): I shall stare into the space. Ciaozx babe.
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