Jul 27, 2003 23:48
it has been a while.. now call me crazy but i cant wait for school to start.. football games and colorday and assemblies... just the whole enviroment. i love it.. now yes i know there is the learning part but yeah well.. it comes it goes.things have been a lil crazy lately.. but i guess that is life.. it goes on. i was thinking today like how people changed throughtout high school and it is werid. like i dont think i have changed and maybe that is my problem. im still the same person i was back in middle school and everything. i guess im weird. today i was thinking about my old friends like dara, ashley, megan, and everyone else.. and im like dude i just wanna hang out with them sometimes.. i dont have many girls as friends. and the ones i do have they are just my friends through out school. which kinda suckz. like i used to be with dara like everyday the summer before entering 9th grade.. and i miss that.. she is such an awesome person she is soo talented. and ashley ohhh my. i miss her too... i dont know what happened to us.. i guess id ont know much than... why are most of my friends guyz? i dont get it. it is 12 in the morning and everyone is sleeping. im up all alone no one to talk to and what not... ohh well i guess im gonna go watch some televison and try and sleep. I MISS ALL OF MY OLD FRIENDS. nighty night