Mar 30, 2003 12:44
omg last night into this morning was great... i went to liz's party and it started out boring and like more and more people came and it got better and better.. it was fun. me and amanda were pole dancing downstairs in her basement. it was sooo much fun. i ate soo freakin much too gee-wiz.. like i talked to court. and like she is such a sweet ass girl.. she is my new freshman buddy that doesnt hate me.. score!! most freshman girls hate me actually all girls hate me usually. but whatev..(er)
i hate freakin rain.. i got swade shoes and it was raining i was like crap-o-la. that was soo much grr-ish-ness.*shrug* but like ALOT of hott punkish guys were there but they left and... like we were sitting downstairs and it was me ryan bob shaner amanda liz court joe and like ryan bob and joe made fun of everyone last night it was unreal..i got like 2 hours of sleep and shaner yelled at me cuz i was realy rude of other people who were trying to sleep.. it was kinda funny though okay well im gonna go now cuz brian is flipping cuz im not talking to him