May 27, 2005 12:39
aalllrriiiiiiiiigghht. the sun is out, the birds are chirping, the grass is mowed, the collective aura of thousands of youths is breathing a sigh of relief and welcoming a season of carelessness and the temporary bliss it brings. "hooray! school is over!" they say. aaahh, youth... as of yet uncorrupted by the responsibility of providing for onesself, and the draining compromises that come with the territory. meanwhile, those of the working class are taunted by beautiful days through the window of their respective workplaces, always reminding themselves that as soon as [insert event/goal/requirement/etc. here], things will change, but really it's just procrastination, glazed with rationalization. that brings me to what i've been up to lately! I have accepted the duties of second assistant manager at teh chez, which were really handed to me by default after the jer bear got his new spot at the 'squire (congrats to jeremy on that!). it's more than likely a good thing, but it does bring to mind the foreboding idea that i am carving myself a nice rut in which to settle. to combat this feeling, i'm trying to keep involved in things that i can get excited about. music, movies, art, the occasional road trip... whatever i can do to avoid boredom. it's tough to quell the thoughts of "what am i doing?/where am i going?/etc." but i can't complain. i've got a slew of good friends around, and i think as long as i've got that, i'm pretty well set. it's tacky but it's sincere.
that's all i got for the now. until next time...