Jun 23, 2009 00:43

Controversial book to stay on reading list
Some parents seek to ban 'The Absolutely True Diary of a Part-Time Indian'

From the article :

Jennifer Andersen said she was one of seven parents who attended a District 117 school board meeting Thursday to ask that the book be banned from the curriculum, or at the very least be accompanied with a warning about the content.

"I can't imagine anyone finding this book appropriate for a 13- or 14-year-old," said Andersen, whose 14-year-old son will be a freshman this fall. "I have not met a single parent who is not shocked by this. This is not appropriate for our community."

Also from the article :

She said that she is not promoting censorship.

ALSO from the article :

"I began reading, and I started to cross out sections that I didn't want him to read," she said. "Soon I thought, 'Wait, this is not appropriate; he is not reading this.' "


The rest of the article is pretty much Andersen complaining about profanity and demanding a warning label on books and the school being like, "Uhhhhhhhhhhh right...we're still keeping it."
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