Aug 08, 2006 09:10
my feet are killing me. i have been at work since 5:15 this morning, and i haven't gotten to sit down yet. and of course, i decided to wear a pair of shoes that i haven't worn in close to a year... owie.
and of course, what day would be complete without your room mate text messaging you to let you know that lizard went in to your room? yeah, that's right. a lizard. evidently it's a fast lizard, too. and then what does my room mate do? he shuts the door. so now i get to sift through all of my belongings (still in boxes waiting to be unpacked) and pray that mr. lizard doesn't scurry out and scare the shit out of me. i'm sure this will be a lot more funny later once i know the damn thing isn't running in my bedsheets or something.
so my laptop keyboard is definitely broken, which is LAME. the stupid thing is less than a year old. now the only chance i have to check my email is at work, and i have to order the new keyboard and stuff. at least i know it'll be fixed by the time classes start...
financial aid is still kinda up in the air, which is such a pain in the ass. i still need to establish just how much more i need to take out in a student loan from wells fargo, and i have a feeling that the numbers i'm gonna come up with aren't going to be pretty.
yeah, how about we just get the fall semester started already?