It is a face recognition with Celebrities :-P hehehe check out some of my results I posted :-P
61% Match with Usama Bin Laden!
61% Match with Usama Bin Laden! Oh Man... Must have been the fact I am Jewish and in front of a Christmas Tree :-)
Wow, Me blurry near Heather's Family's Christmas Tree gave me a 55% Match with Jerry Seinfield!
Wow, Me blurry near Heather's Family's Christmas Tree gave me a 55% Match with Jerry Seinfield! How ironic since we are both Jews :-P hehehehe
66% Match with Kevin Spacey for Me, 60% Match with Johnny Depp for Heather's Brother Jimmy! :-P
66% Match with Kevin Spacey for Me, 60% Match with Johnny Depp for Heather's Brother Jimmy! :-P Should I be jealous? Oh wait... Spacey is Lex Luther in the new Superman Movie... ok ok I can deal :-D
62% Match to Ozzy Osbourne for Me, 57% Match with Sean Austin for Heather's Brother Jimmy :-P
62% Match to Ozzy Osbourne for Me, 57% Match with Sean Austin for Heather's Brother Jimmy :-P hehehe OH YEAH!
66% match with Mariah Carey :-p
66% match with Mariah Carey :-p That's my GIRL!
60% Match with Pamela Anderon O:-)
60% Match with Pamela Anderon O:-) Yah... Im not saying a word about this one :-P Just GRINNING :-D :-X
58% Match with Kate Winslet! RAWR!
58% Match with Kate Winslet! RAWR! Let's reenact Titanic :-P hehehehe O:-)
43% match with Christopher Reeve :)
43% match with Christopher Reeve :) I knew I could be a SuperMan :-P
62% Match with Mother Teresa...
62% Match with Mother Teresa... Must be because I am near a Christmas Tree :-P
44% Match with Alec Baldwin :-P
44% Match with Alec Baldwin :-P Aaaaah Yah... I could be his character from Lemony Snicket's :-P WOOT!
67% match with ELTON JOHN!
67% match with ELTON JOHN! I'm not even sure what to say... but DISSAPOINTED! BLEH... HAS TO BE WRONG :-P
In that picture, 47% match with George Clooney!
In that picture, 47% match with George Clooney! I always wanted to be Batman :-P Or at least play a doctor on TV :-)
In that picture, 45% match with Ewan McGregor!
In that picture, 45% match with Ewan McGregor! DAMN RIGHT! I WNAT TO PLAY OBI WAN KENOBI! :-D
In that picture, 44% match with Sean Austin!
In that picture, 44% match with Sean Austin! I always wanted to be a Goonie :-D (as long as I wasn't CHUNK :-))