Oh, I suppose so...

Jul 12, 2006 11:44

Well, I haven't updated in a while so I suupose I had better...

So recent news.

Oliver! was amazing. Despite what I wrote in my last updation, it went really quite well. Some things, of course, went drastically wrong, but that's theatre, so what more can you expect?

Last Thursday was Speech Day at my school. This was okay, but I had to play in the Orchestra in the Cathedral in the morning and then in the afternoon I had to wear these manky, thick choir robes and sing in the Chapel Choir (in the Cathedral again) whilst trying not to pass out from the heat.

Another thing that happened on Thursday is that it was announced that my brother is going to be Head of School next year. That threw him a little but he's generally ok with it.

Friday I went and saw Pirates of the Caribean 2: Dead Man's Chest twice. Once with my friends from school, and once in the evening with Ellie. It was pretty good, but there is a lot of build up. The first one could be taken as a film on it's own, but to get everything out of the second you really have to make sure you see the third. An awful lot of it could have been cut out of it. When you see it, you will understand that in the next one, Elizabeth and Will are going to play a much bigger part in the storyline.

Saturday I had to go a wedding in the evening - I missed Doctor Who! - but it was ok because I got back at about 10.30pm so I could still watch Doomsday! It was really, really sad and I had tears welling up in my eyes when I watched the last scenes! If you haven't watched it then you definately should! It was one of the best!

Below is my order of the Doctor Who series 2 (best is top, worst is bottom):

1. The Satan Pit
2. Doomsday
3. The Rise of the Cybermen
4. Army of Ghosts
5. Fear Her
6. The Age of Steel
7. The Impossible Planet
8. The Idiot's Lantern
9. School Reunion
10. New Earth
11. Tooth and Claw
12. The Girl In The Fireplace
13. Love and Monsters

Anyone else's order?

Sunday I took my brother to London. He's part of the NYT (National Youth Theatre) which is really hard to get into. He's doing a Stage Management course that has only fourteen other people on it! Basically he stays there for about 8 weeks, over the summer and Stage Manages whatever plays the company put on.  From my point of view, it's good, because I get to use his computer and webcam whilst he's away!

In the last three days, I haven't really done much. I am dead really, because I have the World's Worst Cold Ever. But it means I get to laze around doing not much (I've read CHERUB: The Recruit, for what has to be the fifth time - it's amazing, but Ellie thinks it's trash - and watched films, Doctor Who, Friends and listened to an awful lot of music. Oh, and I was also on here quite a bit too!)

So that's my update really.

Oh, and I think I might go Public again. Yeah, I'm going Public.

potc2, nyt, doctor who, oliver, cherub, public, life

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