Briefly to say, I've new-alised my Journal and made it all Alex Rider. I've gone a bit Alex Rider hyper.
Screenshots from the film:
A shot from the end of the film I think.
Another end sequence. The girl on the horse with Alex, is Sabina Pleasure. She's not supposed to appear until book 3, AH changed the script so there was a love interest.
This bit is when he is about to solve everything. Alex Pettyfer look so scary. Nice, but scary.
Right at the beginning, it sounds exciting. Now he just looks scared.
When he is about to jump out a plane, near the end. Ooh, look you can see the Houses Of Parliament. That's where silly people make stupid decisions.
The evil, bad guy, who wants everyone dead. He has a BIG gun.
Btw, they changed Sayle's name. In the book he's called Herod. In the film he's called Darrius.
Oops. Gotta go. Update tomorrow hopefully.
ELLIE GET CREDIT!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!