Its going well!!
I was making this jumper from squares as a long term project and had done one square in a kinda purply pinky colour (coloue in photo wierd somehow)
And then I put that on hold to make a caterpillar for my cousins baby due about now - which ust needs putting together and its eyes and head making.
And then I had this idea as well so have made some hearts as an experiment - i am VERY impressed with having knitted a heart!!
I gota few ideas for Christmas and not sure what to go for
- two big hearts sewed together could make a bag?
- two smaller ones a purse?
- a line of tessalating upside down and right way up hearts (in different colours) could be a scarf or a belt ?
- a set of 4 or so hearts of different colours could be drinks mats?
What do you reckon?
Also I am making candles and doing some glass painting.
P.S. David has also started doing some knitting!!
P.P.S My auntie is going to pay me to make her christmas cards!! How scary!! So today i went shopping for stuff and i gotta make and price a few samples she can look at. I', excited but mega stressed about it - i have never before make anything for someone to pay for!!