Name: Elyse Lynn Murphy
Birthday: October 9,1981
Sex: Female
Location: in my living ny
Four vacations you have taken:
1. Las vegas
2.Cruise to the bahamas
3. Disney World
4. Washington,DC
Four songs you get stuck in your head frequently:I get new ones everyday,here are todays:
1. Video Killed the Radio Star(courtesy of Tyler at work this morning)
2. Yellow Submarine(don't ask)
3.Who Need's Sleep-BNL
4.Closer To Fine-Indigo Girls
Four things you'd like to learn:
1. be more patient with certain people
2. accept myself as I am
3. To take compliments
Four beverages you drink frequently:
1. Water
2. Diet Coke
3. Iced tea
4. Apple Juice
Four TV shows that were on when you were a kid:
1. Saved by the Bell
2. Fraggle Rock
3. Full House
4. Smurfs
Four places to go in your area:
there isn't much in the greater brockport area,so we will do rochester instead
1. Jillians
2. Charlotte Beach
3. Spot coffee
4. hmm....i cant think of anything else
Four things to do when you're bored:
1.listen to music
2. read
3. go online
4. clean-yeah i know i'm crazy but hey it has to get done
Four things that never fail to cheer you up:
1. Hugs from friends
2. singing with the radio up really loud
3. letters in the mail
4.just being with my friends
About 20 years ago...
1. I was almost a year old
2. I was the star of the
3. It was May of 1982
About 10 years ago...
1. I was 10 years old
2. My brother was 8 years old.
3. my favorite color was pink - I don't know WHAT I was thinking
4. new kids on the block was the big boy band
About 5 years ago...
1. I was a junior in high school.
2. My brother Andrew was almost a year old.
3.I decided what I was going to do when I grew up.(boy how that has changed)
4. I got my driver's license
About 2 years ago...
1. I was finishing up my freshman year.
2. I spent my second summer on the Camp Seven Hills Staff.
3. I got my tempo.
4. My uncle passed away.
About 1 year ago...
1. Looking forward to another summer at camp.
2. My brother graduated from high school.
3. I was at MCC.
4. Getting ready to move in with Linda.
1. I went swimming with my friends.
2. Went to the mall and the post office....yeah i know a really productive day!
3. I am going to watch must see tv...friends and will and grace!
4. Made a hemp necklace
Seven things that scare you:
1. leaving people that I love
2. losing people before I get to say goodbye
3. being alone
4. not having anyone to love
5.being in a car accident(i have had 2 friends die in them)
6. not being succesful and happy in my life
7. thunder and lightning storms
Seven things that make you laugh:
1. My kids at work
2. Mine and Linda's "moments"
3. CAMP!!!!
4. SallyK-you try living with her for 2 weeks and not laugh
5. Playing balderdash
6. being around nick-he always seems to make me laugh
7. my group of friends in general
Seven things you love (in no order):
1. Nick
2.spending time with friends
3. camp seven hills
4. my brothers
5. musicals
6. being on stage
7. singing
Seven things you hate:
1. people that betray my trust
2. people that lie to me
3.being down and not being able to cheer up
4. having to say goodbye
5. getting into fights
6. being made fun of-unless its done jokingly
7. ignorant people
Seven things on your desk:
1. a small lamp
2. candle
3. cup w/pens and pencils
4. post its
5. 2 picture frames
6. clipboard
7. letters that need to be mailed
Right now you are:
1. thinkin really hard about answers to this survey
2. sitting on the puter
3. listening to the indigo girls
4.thinking how hungry I am
5.really awake
6.need a hug
7. need to get something to
Seven facts about you:
1. I love to sing.
2. I love being around people.
3. It takes a lot to make me cry.
4. I'm quiet but once I get going watch out b/c I won't shut up
5. I smile all the time.,hence my nickname from my dad(smiley)
6. I love to perform.
7. I love my friends to death.