(no subject)

Mar 09, 2012 02:15

It all ended
that day.
And yet
under that sky
I held onto it.
In my nightmares
I'm always
searching for you.
You took away
what I loved most.
I left pieces
of me
there, that day.
What I had left
I gave to you.
I stupidly
called this
But in the end
to you
I'll always be
the bad guy.
All these years
I only wanted
one thing:
Your happiness.
At the cost
of myself
I tried to make that come true.
Did you really not see?
You were my world.
And when you
left that day
somewhere in my heart I knew
you were gone.
But I fought against
I drove myself to insanity.
I loved a ghost.
Do you know how alone I felt?
You don't need me
like you think you do.
Because you,
you're always going to be
surronded by people that love you.
You don't know what it's like to really be alone.
I've lived
in pain
all of my life.
I carried this
unbearable sting
in my chest
and I didn't know why.
I've lived so long
not living at all.
How many times
I wanted it all to end.
But now I really think
I could be happy.
But I can't be happy with you.
I can't save you,
even though I wanted to.
You just
come and go
taking and leaving.
And I let you.
But I'm the one who hurt you, right?
I'm the one who leaves, right?
You don't see
what I gave
how much I loved you
how I tried to protect you
how I felt every tear you shed
and how wished I could take them away.
You ignored my exhaustion.
All those songs
I sang to you
were about you.
I was always there
standing in your shadow.
And you are always there
in my thoughts, in my dreams
in all of my memories.
But all of that
is just a recollection
of what I lost long ago.
Somewhere along the way
you forgot about me.
You stopped loving me.
You stopped caring about me.
You said it yourself
you knew I would always be there
So it didn't matter
what you did
I would always forgive you
I would always love you.
I stood by your side
losing myself.
But no more.
It's finally over.
Though you will always be
my favorite memory
My favorite
place to visit.
Thank you for
all of those years.
I'll never forget you.
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