Life update...

Mar 08, 2010 12:52

Just thought I'd do an update as a friend of mine on here was asking for folks to do an update of life-so-far. I'm feeling really good at the moment & feel really lucky to have such a great bunch of friends, family & a fuckfabulous girlfriend in my life.

The last year has seen Dad make a full recovery after his quadruple heart bypass - once the weather has warmed up & there's no chance of avalanche's (which have happened lately)  I'll be dragging him up the mountains to breathe some of that fresh air that knocks you out for count when you get home after hoofing around for a few hours. :o)  My Mum's recently taken up going to the gym which is brilliant cos she wasn't really one for working out so I'm glad she's enjoying herself & getting fitter. She looks so cute in her workout clothes & looks really pleased with herself when she gets home... In general they're both really well, this coming Sunday is Mother's Day in the UK so I'm taking my folks & Wendy (my gf) out for lunch at a really nice hotel/restaurant which should be good, plus gonna treat Mum to a massage/manacure/pedicure.. I'm  sure she'll love them :o)

My brother Mark still lives in Belfast & I'm hoping to travel over to stay with him for visit sometime soon. He's still loved up with his gf Jennifer & they've almost finished renovating a house they bought a few years ago so I'm thinking my timing is perfect LOL

I can't believe I've been with Wendy for almost a year, the time has gone so fast & I feel like I've known her all my life. Certainly didn't see that one coming as I wasn't looking for a relationship when we met, just friends. She's my best friend with sexy bonus bits LOL
We're currently looking into her moving here & eventually selling our houses & getting a bigger place... there's even talk of us getting engaged & eventually married...didn't think that'd happen to me but you never know when you'll be hit by the lovebug.

Other area's of life are pretty good, my best friend Pippa is getting married & I'm to be a bridesmaid 1st May. Thankfully she's not asked me to wear a dress & I'll be wearing a suit with the boys. I did tell her I'd wear a dress if she really wanted me to but she said she knows I'd feel awkward in it. Other good news is she's also going to have a baby in August/September time so I'm going to be Auntie Benni.. Can't wait! I've already started shopping for him/her. I imagine it'll come out doing Jazz hands knowing the drama background of both Pippa & to-be-hubby Dave.

Ok I better get going as I wanna go for a quick run before I have to get ready for work. Hope life is being good to everyone. As always lots of love & fluff coming across the pond. xxx

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