Yap. It's time for the post-graduation "I've graduated College, now what??" post!! whoo!!!
So let's see. end of the semester went well. Tuesday did my presentation on my book in O'Neill's class. Don't really remember what I did thursday. I think it was working on our Final Design report, which was much of Friday was well. Also spent the evening packing up much of my stuff. Friday I also went home after mostly finishing the report. Ofcourse, I was running late, and so was the bus that was picking me up. So I missed my greyhound and had to take the train. So I was 20 min early. (Huh?) Mom brought me to the Troop meeting and I caught a ride with Mr. Abrahamson up to Sequassen for the May Ordeal.
It was cool to see all the people up there. Ended up going out to the dinner for a late night bit to eat with all the Vigil people. Then also got to great the new inducties and such. (Ya Scott Rabolvsky! and I know I'm spelling that wrong). After breakfast I had to search a little bit for work, but found it finally at the wood chipper. It was fun and rather refreshing to do some hard labor. got nice and dirty to. Spent most of that day work with Andrea, which was kinda nice too. Headed off for a nap after snack and ended up sleeping through dinner. Opps. Anyways, can't remember much else important that happened the next day at camp. Just lots of clean up the next day.
After we got home and showered and stuff, Dad cooked Mom a 'mother's day lunch' which was rather tasty. Then Dad drove me back up to school and took a bunch of stuff home with him.
Monday was basically finishing up the report and binding it. Tuesday was our trip to Natick to present to our mentors and other interested bodies. Wednesday was random errands on campus, followed by trip to Providence to get gift for Dr. Riley, follwed by working my last event as consierge, Dark Side of the Moon. Thursday was Graduationg rehersal, followed by picnic at Colt State, shopping with Adam, Jen and her friend in Swansea (Woot more books, movies and Legos!). Chilling for a bit then Jen's Graduation party. That was pretty fun. Had a couple drinks. Might have gotten a little tipsy, but nothing to bad. Fun time though. Their friends can be pretty funny, especially drunk.
Friday eventually got up. (Drank a litter of water the night before to make sure I didn't feel that bad). Walked to campus, picked up extra graduation tickets and eventually meet both Grandpa & Grandma as well as Mom, Dad and Megan. Gave them the "grand" tour of campus and then rode with them to their hotel room. Mom and Dad headed off to pick up Greg and Chris from the airport. Then we eventually headed off to dinner. Went to the Freestone Grill in New Bedford. Was a pretty cool place. A decent resturant, but not the dressing up kind. Used to be a bank of some kind. Nice place and the food was good too. After that, went back to the hotel and Mom drove me back to the apartment. Oh, one cool thing I saw at the hotel: Pizza Vending machine. No my friends, I did not make a typo. Tombstone now sells pizza and various othe foods in a vending machine. If I ever find this again, I must give it a try.
After getting 2 more signature's for Riley's gift, I showered and went to bed. Next day, woke up and got a ride to campus with Alicia again for Graduation. Found out first that they didn't count this last semester grades when getting our tassels. So I would get Magna Cum Laude and that's how it would be announced. But my degree would say if I had actually earned Summa. (Note: I have checked the grades since they are all in. So I actually did earn Summa Cum Laude.) Then we got to stand for several hours while we waited to get started. Finally got under way. It was rather windy out (big suprise) which meant it was a little tricky to be holding the School of Engineering Flag. (Don't know if I mentioned that since I had the highest grade in the college, I got to carry the flag and go first.) But Becky from campus programs was the Marshall for our school, which was cool. We ended up stoping for a bit, during which the teachers walked through our line to say 'good buy'. I also ended up stopping not to far from where the family was sitting, so they got some interesting pictures. Eventually got in, and things went smothly. All the speakers were pretty good. The student speaker didn't got that long. And President Nirschel is a very good speaker, and rather in tune with the students. And Laura Bush had some pretty good comments too, although she began to drag on a little. And then the long boring part, the announcing of everyone's name. 900 is a lot of names to read off, especially when your school is the last to go (prolly because it is the oldest of the schools at RWU). And since most of my friends were either in the same school as me, or went near the begining, it did seem to take a while. But things moved on, and then we basically got out of there. Meet the family at the School of Engineering. Introduced them to some of the faculty, presented Dr. Riley's Gift and said goodbye's to those I could. After that, we went of to lunch at Tweets. As a diner, it would be good, but I dunno about as a resturant. Kinda hard to tell what it really is.
After that, said goodbye to Grandma Golrick (who had just come for the cermony) and Greg and Chris. Grandma was taking Greg and Chris back to the airport on her way home. Then grabbed some stuff and headed home. Dinner was Vazzy's, which was good, but not as good as I remember. Sunday was church and then just sitting around, talking. Dad took Grandpa over to see the Sikorsky plant.
The past couple days I've just been unpacking what I could and cleaning my room to get ready to move in. Since this thing has become ridicously long, I shall end here, and talk more about what my future hold later.
One last thing though. For those interested, here is a link to pictures my dad (and sister) took at Graduation. Dad still likes his digital camera, so there are quite a few of them.
http://www.flickr.com/photos/88714950@N00/sets/72057594142051593/ Well, off to bed. I'll try and type more later kids!!