Apr 01, 2010 23:31
I'm so done with people and their petty BS! Bryan dropped the boys off at Tony's this evening and Frannie was there. We knew that beforehand, no big deal. Bryan gets there and Frannie isnt there so he asked where she was. He was being nice and brought Jacob in to say hello so nobody could complain that he was rude or whatever. Turns out she was "hiding" in the room so she didnt have to see or talk to us when we got there! I was out shopping with Pauline so I heard about all this after it happened. I told Bryan I wish I would have known it was going to be like that because the boys wouldnt have gone over there at all. I figured it was too late to go get them since they were both there because Tasha was and they really wanted to see her. It's been a long time. Anyway, I told Bryan that was a bunch of BS and I dont want the boys around Frannie and John if that's how they are going to act. On my way home I called Tony to see if Matthew was coming home or staying the night. Matthew had said he was staying the night when we left Mom's and hadnt said otherwise yet so I told him not to ask. Then I asked if Frannie was still there, he said yes and asked if Bryan told me what happened. I told him yes and that I dont want my children around them. He thinks that's ridiculous and I'm just causing more problems because all she wants is an apology. First of all, I have NOTHING to apologize for! Secondly, IF I had an apology for her how they hell does she plan to get hiding behind a bedroom door?! So really, am I out of line saying I dont want my children around people who treat my husband and I so disrespectfully? I surely dont want my children to behave that way so why would I allow them to be around people that do?
The rest of the day was fantastic. We went to Alysia's to color eggs then to Mom's house for dinner. Mom made ribs, I made spicy red potatoes, pasta salad, broccoli and strawberry shortcake. The boys played in the backyard and the field the entire time we were there. They were all FILTHY! Jacob had a blast with the chalk and even joined in digging in the dirt with Michael. I think they were filling in rabbit holes. Later I caught Jacob digging a hole and he said he was looking for the bunny. lol At one point he took his shoes off and was running around in his socks. They got wet so he took them off. He has such dirty little toes. lol :) Teresa took some pictures and put them on facebook.