Sep 18, 2009 12:10
I'm really beginning to hate September! Bryan just got laid off! :( He's been fortunate enough to escape these seasonal layoffs for the past 4 or 5 years but not this time. He can go back in the spring. Usually these layoffs are done in October so this means the company must really be hurting to start layoffs so early. I do wonder about Michael's tuxedo for Kristen's wedding. Bryan's boss just told him yesterday to bring him in to get measured next week. :/ I was really hoping to NOT have to pay for his tux.
Yesterday was a fabulous day. I made french toast casserole and homemade breakfast sausage at Cathy's house for all the ladies. Alysia, Pauline and Tina were there. Aimee and Heidi also joined us. We had lots of laughs. It's always a good time with them. :) I'm so blessed to have such a great group of friends! We sat on Cathy's deck and enjoyed every minute of the gorgeous day. Jacob played in the sand table and with the various balls that she has. The garage was open so he could go in and grab things as he pleased. I noticed him playing on the other side of Heidi and then when I looked again he was gone. I asked her if he was in the garage, she turned and didnt see him so got up to look. He wasnt there. I called his name and Cathy jumps out of her seat screaming "Oh God! He's under the deck!" Sure enough, he was under there. He crawled out and Heidi spotted the ball he was after. She crawled under as best she could to retrieve it and Cathy's dog jumped on her butt and started humping her. LOL We were laughing so hard and the little kids that were there just stared at us wondering what the heck was going on. lol Cathy's oldest and Heidi's youngest both came home from school sick. :( Simon had a slight fever (99.2) and Dominic was throwing up but apparently he makes himself throw up so Heidi has to come to the school. The principal insisted that they go home because of the swine flu they cant take any chances. I'm sure there are going to be LOTS of kids sent home from school. There are already several children missing school and this is only the second week. Yuck!
Ron and the girls are coming over for dinner tomorrow. I told Bryan to invite them over and ask Ron what he wants for dinner. I told him if he gives me an answer like my husband gives me (I dont know/I dont care) I'm going to be really pissed. He said pasta of some sort but asked that I please keep some separate for Paige because she only likes butter noodles. Last time that was asked she didnt even eat it! I havent decided what I want yet. I'm torn between making homemade sauce with ravioli and either meatballs or sausage or making chicken alfredo with broccoli, carrots and sundried tomatoes. The only problem with that is I SUCK at making alfredo sauce so I'd be buying it. I have quite a bit of cleaning to do so that would certainly be easier. I dont know. . .
Yesterday while at Cathy's Tina reminded us all that tomorrow is her block party. I really wanted to go but since Ron is coming over I doubt we'll make it. I'm hoping they'll be gone by 8pm and maybe we can still make the outdoor movie.
Sunday all us girls are supposed to take Pauline out for her birthday. Originally we planned to take her to the Renaissance Festival but we couldnt all get together for a full day before it ends. Instead Aimee has 2 extra tickets from last time she went so the plan is to take her to dinner Sunday, buy a child ticket and stick all three in a card for her as a gift so she can go with her family. I think I may skip dinner. :/
All this crap with Tasha is starting to cause problems with Tony & Katherine. Long story short, Tasha was supposed to leave, her mother put it off for weeks then she finally leaves the day after labor day which happens to be the first day of school here. Mississippi started Aug 6! The kid has already missed a month of school! Anyway, they leave and the next day Jenny calls Tony up crying he has to come get them, they're in a really bad part of Dayton, OH and she just cant drive all by herself. Tony & Katherine drive to OH to get them. Find Tasha sitting in a car by herself while Jenny's in a store changing her clothes. Jenny comes out in hoochie shorts and barely a top on. Tony drives Jenny's van and Tasha rides in the car with Katherine all the way down to MS. They get there and Jenny's boyfriend is throwing a fit that she rode with Tony and that they all stayed in a room together for the night. Tells her they are through and she can find her own place to live. Jenny wants Tony to take Tasha back with him but all her stuff that was sent there already is unpacked and everywhere. Tony told her to call him in 2 weeks and he'd come pick her up with a U-haul! He even goes as far as to tell her they can stay with them until she finds a place up here! :O They get back here and Jenny decides she's staying there because her and her boyfriend have made up but she wants to know if Tony will send her a phone because she doesnt have one. Katherine is mad! I dont blame her one bit. I'd be angry too! There's more to the crazy story but whatever. It's all so stupid.
I dont know that I'm liking Michael's teacher much more. Really I think she just needs to be friendlier. I'm trying to be nice and help her out and give her the benefit of the doubt but I dont see myself being in that classroom too much. I think that's ok though. I was in Michael's class just about EVERY day last year. I'm the room mom for Matthew's class this year and hope to spend lots more time with him in his class this year. With Bryan laid off for a bit I can definitely spend the morning in there without having to take Jacob with me.
Speaking of school, I better go get Jacob ready to leave. I'm putting together our school's directory this year and need to go pick up the sheets that are supposed to be returned to me so I can organize them and get that started. It'll be a few weeks yet but hopefully I dont have any major problems while I figure this out. I've never used Publisher before but it's nice that the mom that did this previously is still at the school to help me this year. Really all I have to do is change the addresses from last years so it's not a big deal. The formatting is all done which I assume would be the hard part.