Jul 23, 2008 17:28
Today has been a lazy day after an eventful evening out. I will summarise as much as I can!
Went out with my sister ("we're friends tonight not sisters Méems!") and her work people and Jack (her friend from college I had met twice before).
It sounds terrible but I spent £25 on drink and I couldn't even get drunk and basically felt like an idiot all night. Rebs workmates were arseholes to be brutally honest. They were all trying to 'out-posh' each other and compare how clever and wonderful they all were. All they did was talk about themselves and rant about how awful everyone else was. Boring! And then they kept walking off and we couldn't find them, then we'd meet up and they'd go off again. 3 kept going outside. 2 were chatting up every man in sight and 1 kept going off to find people who had cigarettes. They didn't try at all to talk to Jack and I and Rebs was in the middle like "should I go off with them or not?"
One thing that made me laugh was D (the dick as reb and I call her) exclaimed "I am getting far too old to be wearing short skirts!". She is 18 ffs!! And then she made another comment about being old and I went really loudly "I hate it when 18 year olds go on like they're bloody old, I'm 22 soon" Big mouth just took over but honestly!!
Then some idiot my sister knew came out to us at the taxi rank and he looked like shit. Well so would I if I had been drunk off my face and had done coke and speed. It was 1am and he rang his mum to collect him. LOL. That's not hard at all just a bit stupid.
It doesn't stop there though... The 40 year old bouncer told me I had a beautiful smile, I reminded him of one of his ex's and did I have a fella. Er yes. Also we got onto holidays, so I said "ah I can't wait to go to Florida nect year with Evie and Rebs. Evie will be 5 and she'll really enjoy it blah blah" (I can't remember the exact words!) and he went "oh is that your little girl?". No?? Do I look old enough to have a 5 year old child?? That's insane. He asked me where I work and I told him Dexter's so he might come and be my stalker now.
Not too bad a summary. Bit long.