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Oct 09, 2008 23:18

I figured if Sarah could do this quiz so could I. It was actually pretty fun.

Names: Michele and Joshua
What are your middle names? Renee and David.
How long have you been together? Almost three years
How long did you know each other before you started dating? Like a year.
Who asked who out on a date? I did, but it was a double date and I needed to help out a friend (or so I said.)
Whose siblings do you see the most? Probably mine.
Do you have any children together? Not yet
What about pets? Not yet. He wants a cat, but I’m a dog person, plus I don’t really want one while I live in the apartment.
Did you go to the same school? College
Are you from the same hometown? Nope.
Do you live in the same town now? We live in the same house now.
Who is the most sensitive? Me…I guess.
Where do you eat out most as a couple? McDonalds or sonic, but only because they are right next to our apartment complex. Nice places…the Olive Garden probably.
Where do you shop the most as a couple? Wal-Mart…no wait…Borders, definitely Borders
Who has the best group of friends? Most of our friends are from the same group…but I guess we’ll call them my friends…*cough* Dani,Kia, Meg, Ann*Cough
Who has the craziest exes? I guess his since she ignored me at my own graduation dinner.
Who has the worst temper? I guess me, but I’ve never seen him angry.
Who does the cooking? Well, if you call making Hamburger Helper cooking, I do it the most. But he enjoys cooking more.
Who is more social? Umm…he talks to more people, but that’s work related. I’m gonna say me.
Who is the neat-freak? More likely me, but we’re both messy.
Who is the most affectionate? Him, but we’re probably about even.
Who is the most stubborn? Him, definitely no contest there.
Who hogs the bed? He says me, but I’ve been elbowed in the back many times.
Who wakes up earlier? If it’s a work day, him. Otherwise we wake each other up.
Who has the biggest family? Immediate family…we’re even, but his sister is married with a kid.
Do you give/get flowers often? No, but I wish that he would give them to me more.
How do you spend the holidays? Well, since these are the first holidays we’ve been married, we’re not sure about Thanksgiving, but Christmas is going to be with his family. Right after Christmas we’re going to see my sister for her 18th b-day.
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