Oct 12, 2005 18:13
just a quick update to let yall know im still alive
im not gonna post music this time cuz i dont feel motivated
so let me start off by saying that i am completely and totally in love with ZAC ELLIS!
he's my boy! my man! my baby! and i love him so much!
baby i dont know where or what i'd be without you. You helped out during i rough spot in my life when i had given up all hope for a decent relationship, and then you found me. Everything felt different when you came into my life, everything seemed clear, like i had a purpose. i know i've said i've been in love before, but never like this. Never have i felt likei do now. In love so much that you know its true, and you aren't blind because the you help me see everything. You make things clear. And i promise i'll be here forever.
ok on to other stuff!
School isnt goin so well, i kinda wish i didnt throw so much at myself so soon and so hard.
im dropping History cuz i cant hack it.
I feel like such a failure and a loser, but i guess at least im not dropping out.
i want my own place, where i can start my own family and have a cat or 5 and a cute little corgi puppy names Bucket and baby that i can take care off!
wow...no idea where that came from....
me ernie started lookin at places to live when we decide to break away...
i dunno how that's goin....
i miss Zac! i miss everyone!...i need hugs..
Megan STILL hasn't sent that mic she was supposed to...hint hint =P
Sears is now hiring for the holidays..so come work with me
(that means you amanda)
AMANDA'S BACK!!!!!!! when she stopped by that so made my day
welps i dunno what else to say..
Im bored..prolly do a music update sometime soon