Fetalis Telum - Chapter Four

Mar 07, 2010 00:38

Title: Fetalis Telum

Author: Smiley_Bandit

Fandom: Star Trek 2009 x Xena (kind of) x Doom (maybe I'm not sure yet)

Rating: NC-17 (eventually)

Pairing: Kirk/CupidMcCoy

Disclaimer: I don't own Star Trek (sigh) and I don't own Xena (thank you lord) but while I am using their Aphrodite as a guideline for her I am NOT using their Cupid. ^_^ I just couldn't do it. Anyway. Hope you guys enjoy.

Summary: Cupid has grown cynical and disillusioned with humans in his long life. The others think that he needs a short break away and send him to earth. Can he find his soul mate or will it be lost forever due to ancient rivalries and jealousy?

Author’s Note: Chapter Three. I have some how pulled my self away from my Supernatural DVD's, again. (sighs and dreams happily of Castiel and Dean. ) ^_^ oh happy day. Sorry about any spelling or grammar errors. I have an obscene love for commas or lack there of depending on who you talk too. ^_^ Now on with the story.


By the end of the week even McCoy was starting to looked more relaxed, the color had started to return to his face and the frown lines had started to smooth bit by bit. His pale self was currently sitting under a large beach umbrella, sipping a bourbon and absently listening to Scotty and Kirk try and talk Spock into a game of chicken with Nyota and two girls they had just recently met. With a roll of his eyes Leo went back to reading with his full attention. He was just getting into the deeper research findings of the Plauvian Mind Flu when a shadow descended over him causing him to pause and look up and sigh softly.

"Hello Mother."

The Goddess of Love was not fazed by his unenthusiastic response as she waived her hands about indicating exactly what she wanted. "Scooch over darling." she said as she shimmied into a small space on the bench he was currently sprawled upon. Rolling his eyes he dutifully made more space for her before going back to his reading.

"Oh my. Isn't this weather glorious?"

"Mmm Hmm." he said absently, not really paying attention to the exuberant woman next to him.

Ignoring him in turn she adjusted the huge floppy white hat and sunglasses, looking around her eagerly. She loved the ocean, it never failed to take her breath away. It was perfect cool breeze, warm sand, crystal blue waters, half dressed men. She paused in her thinking to watch two finely shaped men walk by, oh yes she simply loved the beach. She sighed happily leaning back and settling in.

"Do I even want to know what that was for?"

"Probably not."

He made an un committal noise and went back to reading, as she watched the people around her looking for someone in particular. She smiled after a while finally finding him, she changed the pitch of her smile a bit and touched Cupid's arm gently.

"Darling, will you get me a drink?" He turned to look at her this time, hazel eyes peeking over the sunglasses he wore, for a moment. When he sighed she knew she had won as he got up.

"A Pina Colada." she called, then suddenly adding, "with extra cherries, lots of cherries." she waved merrily at his back, knowing he had heard her. She watched the way people stared at her son as he passed, she smiled in pride. She and Hermes had made a fine looking boy, though he seemed clueless of this fact, no matter how many times Aphrodite had told him so. She sighed sadly, a pout on her lips, it was different though when a parent told you you were pretty, they had to think so. Making her self comfortable she pulled out a fashion magazine, wiggling her red painted toes in delight as she waited.

After several minutes Leo finally returned with the foofy white drink in tow, extra cherries and all, and also a mint julep for himself. Even if Jim would make fun of him for drinking a chick's drink, they were tasty damn it. Squealing happily she took the drink and daintily ate a cherry, as he settled back in beside her and started reading again easily loosing himself in the complex text.

The peace lasted several minutes. "Cupid?"


"Have you had a chance to go flying recently?"

"What? Oh no, not really, haven't had the time." he made a note on the PADD as he continued. "Been meaning too though, I've been getting a bit antsy lately."

She frowned at that, nodding at his response as she ate another cherry. It was hard when he was in space. The distance made it impossible to pop in and out, and after nearly two thousand years of having him around, it was hard having an empty nest. She worried and hated when she couldn't see he was alright with her own two eyes. Hermes said she was being 'clingy' and 'overbearing' but Cupid took his mother in stride, his own mother hen instincts were strong and he seemed to understand that it went with the job. Both Gods of Love also seem to have this uncontrollable urge to make people happy, to ensure that everyone was okay. His career choice of becoming a doctor had only surprised the people that didn't know him very well.

"You know," she said finally "you should let your father know, I am sure he'd love to go flying with you."

He paused his note taking and looked up at the water for a moment, "Ya that'd be nice." he said sincerely before going back to what he was doing.

She made an exasperated noise, it was times like these she wanted to slap the boy silly. All this beautiful beach and he was working. Completely aware of her audience she let a smile grace her face as she absently went back to her magazine. It had worked like a charm, men were so predictable.


While many of the men on the beach were only focused on the vision in the little white bikini sitting beside Leonard, Jim couldn't seem to focus on anything other than the hand that lingered on his arm as she smiled. Jim frowned at the feeling building in side him, it was nice that Bones was being chatted up by a pretty blonde and she was that, in fact she was a knock out. It was okay, really it was. He watched as Leo snorted at something she said, the pair seemed oddly comfortable with each other as they sat under the umbrella.

Jim frowned, why was she touching Bones. Didn't she know he didn't like to be touched, and she had her perfectly polished hand all over him, well his arm, but really. He made a noise that caused the others out in the water with him to look up suddenly.

"Ugh, I'm going for a drink." with that he strode out of the water a steely look and determination in his eyes.

Aphrodite smirked as she noted the look in the boy's eyes. The feelings were fairly pouring off of him, he was jealous, protective. She got a strong sense of mine too as he bristled subconsciously against her shields, noting that Leonard's own gift instinctively reached out for Jim trying unconsciously to soothe the agitated spirit. Her smile grew, while she couldn't officially make a match or interfere so to speak, there was nothing in the rule books that said she couldn't nudge here and there. Jim was closing in fast, wearing what her son called his 'Captain Face', Leonard was oblivious to it as he read, nibbling his lip beside her. The pair under the umbrella were blocked from view for a brief moment, just as Jim arrived a few feet from them. When it cleared it was only McCoy and a pina colada beside him causing Jim to come up short and look around for the woman in white.

"Where'd she go?"

"Huh? What?" Bones looked up confused.

"The Blonde?"

The blonde, of course, with a small sag to his shoulders Bones just shrugged, "She had to take a call or something."

"Oh." Jim flopped down on the towel, "Ooo Pina Colada, yum." Leo rolled his eyes but did not move away as Jim munched happily on the cherry and started in on the drink.

"What ya readin'?"

"Medical Journal."

"Oh? What about?"

"The Planuvian Mind Flu."

Jim looked at him aghast. "That," he swallowed, "that just sounds nasty." he shuddered as McCoy chuckled under his breath and continued with his notes.

"Oh it is."

"Enough work you need to come swimming. The water is awesome."

"Um no. I am perfectly fine right here thank you." he pointedly sipped at his drink.

"But Bones. Puh-leez. We're on vacation but you don't do anything fun. You just sit and read under the umbrella all day."

"Jim this is fun." his answer was Kirk sticking out his tongue and making a face.

Aphrodite watched the two men interact from a safe distance away. They were so cute, and so clueless. She snorted, jumping as two tan arms wrapped around her middle with a laughing breath against her neck. Relaxing she leaned back into the embrace as he tickled her ear.

"And just what mischief are you up to my dear?"

"No mischief just watching."

"Who? Cupid?"

"Yes. Though Jim's there as well."

"Good lord you are going to smother that boy woman." Hermes said good naturedly.

She just rolled her eyes, and made a happy sound as he kissed just behind her ear, "He wants you to go flying with him." Hermes' face softened, he was a sucker for their son too, though he'd rarely admit it.

"I'd like that. But for now I have other plans." he waggled his eyebrows at her as he swooped her into his arms and marched out into the water. ~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*

Leonard McCoy growled as he watched the red head drape herself all over Jim as they danced. Luckily they weren't fated, that had been the first thing he had checked. He thanked God for that because she irritated the hell out of him. He sipped at his drink from the safety of their table, she was pretty, sure, but good lord above that laugh could peel paint. So for tonight she was just another notch on Jim's belt. Leo rubbed his eyes tiredly, he really needed to get more sleep, he still hadn't caught up from the deployment on the Enterprise and their first week back had been hell. Jim had decided that they needed to keep college hours in honor of their vacation. But will all the people around him, Leonard found himself drained from the strain on his shields, though he was matching people as he did, guiding them here or there. Jim tossed his head back as he laughed at something she said, causing her to smile up at him, that same bright smile irritated Leo right down to his toes. Bones grabbed his drink and finished it in one go, tossing money enough on the table to cover the bill he left the bar, seeking the solitude of the beaches further down, knowing Jim would more than likely need the room in a short while. He hated this, hated seeing Jim with all those women. Cupid himself rather detested casual affairs, knowing that they are natural and necessary, they tended to be messy and leave people sad and broken for no reason at all. Kicking a clump of sand Bones shivered a bit in the cold night air and set out for his walk, the stars were plentiful tonight.

It was a beautiful night, the air was warm, the sand and water cool under his feet with just the right amount of bite to make it tingle as it danced about your toes. He wiggled the digits as the water lapped around him as he watched out at the open sea. As he stood there he felt his wings twitch ever so gently at the thought of taking flight, the sky so open and inviting. Chewing his lip he took a look around, he had traveled quite a ways down the beach, the music from the resort no longer could be heard nor could the laugher and conversations of its patrons. He sent out a small pulse searching for anyone in the vicinity, nothing but a few hermit crabs scurrying about. Suddenly he released them to their full size, sagging in relief as they were freed from their prison.

He groaned happily as he gave them a good shake and then a flap, causing sand to dance up around him, the itch to fly growing more prominent now that they had been released, though neglected muscles needed worked out first but in a few minutes he be ready.

A deep voice sounded to his left. "You know you need to fly more. Being cooped up isn't good for them."

"They are all rumpled darling, goodness." both men just rolled their eyes fondly at the smaller blonde.

He was glad that he could always feel the others before they made themselves known. Well some of the oldest among their kind could hide but his parents were not so lucky, it saved him many an embarrassing squeak when they just appeared out of no where. Leonard gave a rueful smile at his parents' response to the condition of his wings.

"Not a lot of room in space."

The older man snorted, "Oddly true, my boy." They stood shoulder to shoulder watching the water as Aphrodite made herself comfortable on the large blanket behind them, grabbing a glass of Champaign and a piece of chocolate from the picnic basket.

She waived them off absently, "Have fun boys." And with matching grins, a flurry of sand and an indignant squeak from the Goddess they were off.

Dusting off the sand she settled in to watch her boys play in the clouds. As a family they tended to get along far better than most families she knew, she and Hermes had taken Cupid's upbringing extremely seriously teaching and guiding him. Her brother Aeres had even made sure the little cherub was a superb fighter, though he excelled at tactics and strategies, like his father. She smiled as she heard laughter drift from over the water as they skimmed lower and lower, playing some sort of odd game they always came up with. It allowed her some much needed time to ponder what she needed to do about James and her son. She had seen the red head the boy had picked up tonight. Oh she was pretty enough and seemed sweet but it would never last. Aphrodite made a pout as she nibbled on another chocolate when she felt more than heard the other goddess appear beside her. Golden eyes looked up and narrowed as she spied Hera coming towards her pale skinned and black hair nearly blue in the moonlight her black eyes were calculating as always as she sat beside her younger sister.

"Ah good evening Hera. Please do have a seat." always polite the blonde goddess nearly choked on the smile and words, as the older woman took a seat and gazed out at the two men flying there. Hera absently took the offered glass as they sat quietly for several moments, before a malevolent grin filled her face and she turned her dark eyes towards the blonde.

"How is your dear Cupid these days?" she asked finally sipping her Champaign.

"He is well." the smile fell from Aphrodite's face as Hera's grin broadened. This did not bode well, while Hera disliked Aphrodite and Hermes, for some reason she absolutely loathed her son. Hera's gaze returned out over the water.

"Ah good good. And how is his friend? James is it?"

"Why do you care?"

Dark eyes growing cold was the only answer she received as Hera sipped her drink.

"You stay away from my son."

Hera sneered at her. "What exactly do you think you can do."

"Hera I swear." golden eyes flashed dangerously.

"Did you like the red head?"

"Red head?"

"Brigette, I think her names was, James certainly seemed too."


"Oh please. I know all about Cupid's little crush. Pathetic really, your boy." she popped a grape in her mouth and chewed. "A God of Love and he can't even find his own soul mate. Sad. You know what will happen yes?"

Aphrodite's hands clenched as Hera leaned in close, dropping her voice. "It will destroy him, you know. It will consume him." smirking she pulled away, "Like I said pathetic. It will be glorious to watch." she smiled at the two men as they approached the pair looks of concern on their faces.

Smiling the dark haired goddess stood and smoothed her dress about her form, "Good evening Hermes. Cupid." and with that she vanished.

"Sweetheart are you okay?"

"Yes, I'm fine. I hate that woman she is utterly horrible." she waved her hand around effectively lifting the mood around her.

"What did she want?"

"Nothing dear, just being a bitch. I'll tell you later, but for now let us not ruin our evening with thoughts of her. Did you boys enjoy your flight?" The two men nodded as they sat down to see what she had packed in the basket, starving from their games.

Later, after the two bottomless pits had been filled, the two elder gods sat curled up together watching the stars as Cupid lay, on his stomach, a few feet away on his own half of the blanket the wind playing in the white feathers of his wings, enjoying the ability to spend some quiet time with his parents. They had done this frequently when he was small, getting away just the three of them spending time together. He had missed it. Absently he closed his eyes and sighed happily as Aphrodite smoothed over some of the ruffled feathers, thinking over what Hera had said to her earlier. Hermes caught her eye a question in his gaze. Smiling she just shook her head, they'd talk about it later, for now this was nice. ~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*

Jim pulled away from Brigette, trying to catch his breath. "Would you, um, care for a drink?"

"Sure." she gave a small smile, her green eyes shining in the moonlight. She was currently reclining on the pillow laden chair on the balcony of Jim's room. It was decadent and Bones had laid claim as soon as he had seen it, flopping into it and cooing happily while Jim unpacked. With a smile Jim got up to fetch the drinks. He rubbed his eyes as he leaned against the kitchen counter he needed to get a hold of himself, he felt off, it was moving too fast even for his standards. Taking a deep breath he set to making the Martinis, here he had a smokin' woman all hot and ready and he couldn't seem to stop thinking of Bones. What the hell was wrong with him. A sudden image of the man glaring, dripping wet from when Scotty had splashed him, flickered in Jim's mind's eye bringing a smile to his face as he finished up the drinks.

A playing call of "Jim" from the back of the condo yanked him out of his thoughts.

"Okay, snap out of it man. You're acting like an amateur." he cursed to himself taking another deep breath he grabbed the drinks and headed back in, a smile and a leer dancing in his blue eyes as he handed her a glass. "Now where were we my dear?"

Looking at him through lowered eyelashes she flashed a pretty smile. Finishing her drink in one shot she leered right back, "Right about here I think." Pulling him in she captured his mouth in a kiss, causing his toes to curl and any other thoughts to fly from his mind.

Good lord above this woman could kiss. Each little sound sent a jolt of electricity south as Jim nibbled in the hallow just below her ear. She was good as she dished out her own brand of torture, seeming to know exactly what Jim liked, where he wanted to be nibbled next. Despite all this Kirk couldn't seem to shake the feeling of guilt that seemed to descend over him. The look in Bone's eyes just before he left the bar this evening. Suddenly Jim wondered where the other man had gotten too. He had almost looked sad as he tossed money down and left. Well sad wasn't really the right word, but it was all Jim could come up with at the moment. A bite on his shoulder brought him back to the present as green eyes blinked up at him.

"Jim are you okay?"

Flashing her a grin he captured her mouth in a kiss. He tried, enthusiastically even, but finally he sat back looking down at her as she frowned at him and pushed herself up on her elbows. Turning away from her he leaned over his knees and ran long fingers through his hair.

"Jim?" sitting up she pressed against his back as she nibbled under his ear again. He removed her hands from his pants he stood up, putting some space between them by moving across the room to sit on another chair. She pouted prettily as he looked at her.

"Brigette, look you're awesome. I would..." he trailed off and looked at his hands trying to look any where that wasn't her. "I don't..I'm sorry."

She seemed to sag a little but nodded as she scooped up her dress and slipped it on before shimmying over to him, and kissing him again. "You sure honey?"

He gave her a small smile. She felt her throat catch at the sight, that smile was lethal.

"Ya I'm sure. Let me grab the rest of my clothes and I'll walk you back to your room." She smiled and waited as he slipped his shirt and shoes on.

Luckily they didn't have too far to go, and soon the were in front of her door. She looked up at him, he had seemed so sure of himself before but now he seemed almost bashful. He was truly a darling man. She touched a smooth cheek bringing his blue eyes to meet hers. "You're sweet James Kirk. Who ever it is. They are extremely lucky." she leaned up and gave him a peck on the cheek. "Good night."

With that she shut the door leaving Jim alone on the beach. He sighed as he decided to go for a walk, maybe the breeze would help him clear his head. Determined he turned left and headed out. What the hell was wrong with him, here he had one of the most beautiful women he had seen all night, and he couldn't get into it. Well Little Kirk had been quite happy with the idea, eager even, but Big Kirk couldn't seem to stop thinking about his best friend. His male best friend. Chewing his thumb he wandered absently kicking at the water ~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*

Brigette sighed and leaned against the door listening as Jim wandered off. While tossing her bag on the table to the right, a light clicked on in the living room directly across from the doorway. Dark eyes regarded her cooly from where Hera sat sipping a drink slowly.


"Well what?"

The older woman just cocked a smartly shaped eyebrow at the question returned at her.

"He's a nice kid but something was up. He couldn't go through with it. He seemed distracted, conflicted." Brigette heard Hera curse under her breath as she poured a drink for herself.

"You didn't try hard enough."

"Oh I tried, and trust me he was very interested, but he seemed to have a crisis of conscious along the way."

"Damn it. The bond is deeper than I feared it was and the haven't even kissed yet." muttering to herself she blinked away leaving only Brigette and her thoughts about a long hot bath and a nice glass of wine. ~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*

It was truly a beautiful night as Jim walked his mood lifting as he darted in and out of the water trying to avoid the waves as he made his way down the beach. When suddenly he pulled up short his breath catching in his throat, unable to look away from the scene before him. The very man that had been plaguing his thoughts all night stood a short way down the beach, the moonlight illuminating him in an almost ethereal way. He was dressed as he had been at dinner, in a loose pale shirt and pants of linen, only now they looked different. The moonlight danced off of the pale skin making it a sharp contrast to the dark hair, his pants were rolled up against the tide and he just stood there, the wind whipping around him. He smiled his eyes shut in the moonlight, like some creature soaking up the moon's rays, a serene look on his face. When suddenly those hazel eyes opened and looked directly at him. The smile that lit up Bone's face upon seeing him, made Jim's heart actually flutter, before it was toned down and the man approached him.

"Jim what on Earth are you doing out here? I figured you'd be entertaining guests this evening." he stopped short of Jim, outside his personal bubble and Kirk found that disappointed him. Up close he could see every detail on McCoy's face, when had he gotten such long eyelashes, had the man always been this pale. And good god had his eyes always looked like this, with colors fighting with each other to be seen. Jim just gulped as Bone's began to look worried his eyebrows coming together in the middle.

"Jim are you okay?"

Jim gulped again and leaned in, his mind screaming at him, 'No! Yes!' his mind was whirling but one thought remained foremost in his mind. He wanted to kiss Bones, he needed to kiss Bones and he needed to do it now.


Chapter 03

fan: star trek (reboot), pairing: kirk/cupid!bones, rating: nc-17, fan: fanfiction, fic: fetalis telum, fan: crossover

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