Fetalis Telum - Chapter One

Feb 13, 2010 14:10

I was in the mood to write a Kirk and Cupid!Bones fic for Valentine's Day. It won't be finished but here is Chapter one. ^_^ I obviously don't own Star Trek or Xena which is where I am kind of taking Aphrodite's characterization from but not McCoy's. Anyway hope you enjoy.

Title: Fetalis Telum

Author: Smiley_Bandit

Fandom: Star Trek 2009 x Xena (kind of) x Doom (maybe I'm not sure yet)

Rating: NC-17 (eventually)

Pairing: Kirk/CupidMcCoy

Disclaimer: I don't own Startrek (sigh) and I don't own Xena (thank you lord) but while I am using their Aphrodite as a guideline for her I am NOT using their Cupid. ^_^ I just couldn't do it. Anyway. Hope you guys enjoy.

Summary: Cupid has grown cynical and disillusioned with humans in his long life. The others think that he needs a short break away and send him to earth. Can he find his soul mate or will it be lost forever due to ancient rivalries and jealousy?

Author’s Note: I can't believe I have actually posted a Chapter two. I have some how pulled my self away from my Supernatural DVD's that just arrived the other day and completed this. (sighs and dreams happily of Castiel and Dean. ) ^_^ oh happy day. Sorry about any spelling or grammar errors. I have an obscene love for commas. Now on with the story.


It was a beautiful day on Mount. Olympus as it's occupants bustled to and fro. Pages and couriers dashing here and there as crisis appeared and were quickly and efficiently dealt with. It was an all encompassing and difficult job guarding over the humans. Much more so tin the more recent of times. Back in the days when humanity was still in its infancy, it had been easier for them to accept the help and guidance that they needed. But like most children, as they had grown in both knowledge and experience in the world around them, so had they grown in sceptics and arrogance. The "Gods" as the humans had come to call them were made out to be petty, cold hearted, cruel and uncaring. Soon science began to take over their reasoning as they began to understand nature, the world around them, and themselves in greater clarity. Blind to the wonder and beauty that they could not understand, passing it off as the unexplained oddity as opposed to the norm it actually was. Humans as a whole had one thing in common, they needed to know, if it could not be explained it was filed away as odd.

The figure on the smooth stone sighed sadly as he dozed in the warm sun and cool breeze. Several doves settled beside him cooing happily in his protection, tucking snow white wings around them settling in for a much needed afternoon nap. Aphrodite watched sadly as her son grew more melancholy as the years passed, growing cynical effectively closing off his heart and feelings from others. She had hear the others talk. Knew that he heard them as well. She walked over and sat beside him, gently brushing his soft hair out of normally vibrant hazel eyes. They were truly beautiful, like his fathers. A true hazel mostly green with all other colors swirling with in them, displaying his mood for all to see no matter how he tried to hide them. She smiled, he resembled his father far more than he resembled her self. Dark haired and paled skinned with a dry whit and a blinding smile to those he infrequently favored with it. The downy wings shifted slightly, disturbing the doves that had settled there as he woke, frowning at her. She liked to look at her son, so sue her, remembering the times he would laugh and dart into her arms after getting into trouble again and again. He was truly her pride and joy, and despite what many others thought the two "Love Gods" took their jobs very seriously.

But the discord had started, the murmuring, sadly once started it caught on like a brush fire after a drought. And to both parent's dismay Zeus agreed with the general consensus. Cupid sat up unaccustomed to seeing his mother with so serious a look on her face. She looked sad, resigned as she continued to brush the hair out of his eyes. The doves cooed softly in good bye before taking flight.

"Mother?" he frowned, she was usually so sunny, flippant. Today worry creased her eyes as a frown filled her usually exuberant face. His heart beat like a drum in his chest before it plummeted a lump in his throat. "What's wrong. Is father?"

"Don't worry sweetheart your father is fine." she patted his knee, before she stood fixing her flowing robes about her. "They have called a council meeting is all and they wish for you to attend."

Cupid's eyes narrowed at her, as a lesser guardian he was not normally privy to the council or their meetings, despite his parents both being part of the Twelve. "What's wrong?"

There had to be a reason he was being called. He had heard the talk, the whispers but he paid no mind to them. He never in all the years he had been alive, people always talked, gossiped it was a natural occurrence. It often perturbed them even more that they never got a rise out of the pair.

The forced smile was truth enough as she toyed with her dress again. "I'm not completely sure, Darling. Now come along, we don't want to keep them waiting." she had tried for a light tone but failed miserably, his wings rustled in agitation as he watched her walk away her gossamer gown flowing about her, something was up and it was big. Stretching he grabbed his coat and followed after her, a sense of dread settled in his belly and refused to leave.


The grand council room had always intimidated him. It was exactly as someone would imagine it to look like with high dark walls carved out of stone. A huge circular table filled the center that the members sat around. However, it was open on one end to allow people to stand before them. All of those eyes staring out at you. Cupid shuddered as he entered. The doors closed with an echoing clang as his eyes adjusted to the low lighting. This was bad, his shields flared against the 12 wills before him. The entire elder council was gathered, this was very bad. They, for the most part looked grim as they gazed at him with their sharp and penetrating stares. Aphrodite demurely took her seat near her husband, and gave her son a small smile, trying to calm the anxiety he felt.

His wings shifted again as he pinned them close to his back in an automatic defensive maneuver, as he adjusted his gloves in a nervous gesture. He hated how they made him feel twelve, and like a naughty child caught with his finger in the proverbial pie.

"Cupid, please come closer my boy. You do not need to be afraid child." Zeus' deep voice rang through out the room.

He did as he was asked before addressing the room in greeting. "My lords and ladies."

Blue eyes were not cold per say but far more serious than he had seen in a long while as he steepled his hands watching the younger man. "Do you know why you have been called?"

"No my lord."

"There have been concerns raised." Cupid said nothing as he stood at attention.

"Questions about you boy." sneered Hera her nearly black eyes filled with malice.

"I am not sure what you mean."

She sneered at him, disgust evident in her voice as she continued, "You are a God of Love, yes?"

"That is my duty my lady." he did not dare look at his parents or anyone else as he answered her.

She merely snorted, her mouth twisting into an ugly smug smile.

"My Lady?"

"You. how can you control and direct something that you are incapable of understanding? Incapable of feeling or..."

Zeus stopped her short. "What my dear wife is trying to say, is that we are concerned child. You.." he paused to consider his words before continuing. "You have changed.." he held up his hand to stave off more of Hera's tirade. "You will go to earth."

Cupid looked confused, "You are banishing me?" Zeus frowned at the hurt in the younger man's eyes.

Hera gave an ugly laugh, "Yes you are being exiled. You a god of love that can't even find his own soul mate."

At this Aphrodite stood up fuming, "It doesn't work like that. You know this. We can not find our own fated, it must not be meddled with."

"And yet, my dear, you found your true love." at this Hera just smiled sweetly and sat back.

"Our gifts are different, they work differently."


"Enough. You are not being exiled. But we do think it will do you some good to get away for a while."

"For how long?"

"As long as it takes, my boy." Zeus watched the white wings droop in defeat, with a sigh he got up and moved over in front of his favorite nephew. "Cupid, you are not being punished."

"Am I not?"

He was favored with a small fond smile, "No you used to love to be among them."

"They have grown callous and hateful. They have no use for us any longer."

"And you have grown cynical. Things have changed, for the better I think. Go, this will be good for you. "

"They have no room for us. No need of guidance. They do not want us."

"But that does not mean that they do not need us."

Zeus sighed he watched as Aphrodite and Hermes were talking to each other, before he turned back to their son.

"You will still have your powers, your abilities, your wings. And we will from time to time visit with you, you can count on this." he pulled the young man into a warm hug. "Do not fear this will be for the best. You will see."

Leonard McCoy jerked awake in the narrow bed, he had been provided. He hadn't thought of that day in years. He ran his hands over his face as he glared at the clock. Three AM, damn, he glared out the windows. What the hell had he done, he hated flying. He'd breath his last breath before he told his family of this. Him afraid of flying, but it was different in a shuttle, where he wasn't in control, where he couldn't get free in time to stop the plummet to earth. He ran his hands against his eyes again, he guessed it really wasn't flying he was afraid of it was the sudden deadly and painful stop at the end. He got up to get a glass of water before settling back into the surprisingly comfortable bed. He had made a name for himself during his stay on earth as a doctor. It seems he has a natural knack for medicine, though he figured it had more to do with his empathy than any real actual skill. But despite all that the Starfleet recruiter, Captain Pike had only chatted with Dr. McCoy during the interview, in a way meant to put Leonard at ease but was readily sizing him up, judging the kind of man he might be. After only five or so minutes of talking with the less than respectable looking and scruffy doctor, Pike had stood and welcomed one Doctor Leonard McCoy MD into Starfleet. Offering the man a chance for a hot meal, an even hotter shower, and the currently surprisingly comfortable bed he was now snuggled deeply into.

It had taken every last credit to get from Georgia to Iowa, and he was glad for small miracles. He rolled over and snuggled deeper into the pillow, with a sigh he allowed himself a rare luxury. He unfurled his wings and let them stretch, flapping them for a moment before hiding them away again. With a happy sigh he soon fell back asleep, a ghost of a kiss on his brow as he smiled and drifted away.


It was bright and early the next morning as Pike watched the doctor arrive all the while receiving odd looks from the younger recruits' faces. The man at least looked a little better, some of the dark smudges underneath his eyes had gone, and a bit of color had appeared back in the pale face. He smiled kindly as the man eyed the shuttle like it might bite him, before walking up and shaking the doctor's hand.

"Glad to see you made it McCoy. Not having second thoughts are you?"

"Um........no." he fidgeted with his small bag, still eyeing the metal beast.

"Don't worry I'll try to make it nice and smooth for you." his smile did not waiver as he watched the flask that appeared, and wisely did not say anything. The man was an adult after all, but he did make a mental note to watch the man as he could. It was something about him, he had a calming effect Pike knew he could trust him and the man's resume, well he'd have medical wetting themselves when they found out who he had gotten. But apparently McCoy had no knowledge of his prowess, in his own words he was simply a "Country Doctor that had now where else to go." It was something else though, a need to watch over him, much like the one he had gotten when he had found Kirk drooling on the floor in that bar.

McCoy took a swig and just grumbled about damn shuttles and their damn cocky pilots as he got on the ship. The Captain just shook his head as he watched the other recruits turn up, keeping his eye for one more lost sheep he had found.

Leonard had a nice dark little place with no windows all to himself until that harpy of a Lieutenant jerked the door open and glared at him. The small woman place a dainty hand on her hip and proceeded to glare at him. Well two could play at this game, he glared right back at her.

"Sir you must find a seat."

"I have a seat thank you. Please close the door."

She looked less than amused, as she actually tapped her foot and continued to glare in that Mom way she had going. The look could have pealed paint, as she finally stepped away clearing indicating what she wanted. He argued with her as she steered him into the cabin. Wasn't the damn woman listening. He glared at her, she glared right back. With one last glare he huffed and sat down irritabley yanking on his harness and trying honestly not to freak out. He was still muttering to himself when he caught site of the bluest eyes he had ever seen looking at him. And Leonard smooth as ever opened his mouth and spoke.

The boy looked a bit alarmed at McCoy's declaration, considered something for a moment but continued on like nothing had happened, a bright smile dancing on his lips. Leonard could tell he was concerned for the odd man beside him, could feel it pushing ever so gently at his shields. So in return McCoy shared his flask and his name with the boy, and in response the learned that he was sitting to one James Tiberius Kirk from Riverside, Iowa.

Jim and his blue eyes began to look worried as the shuttle took off. McCoy looked truly scared as he clutched at his ratty old bag with a white fisted grip that had to hurt. Jim in an attempt to get the older man's mind off of the fear kept up an endless stream of idle chatter. It wasn't working, the man was breathing in short breaths as the panic started to take hold just as the shuttled hit a particularly rough patch of turbulence. The death grip hadn't lessened, in fact the man sat nearly curled into a ball, which was pretty impressive considering the size of the seats they were in.

He needed to calm down, Jim noticed several Cadets smirking and sneering at the brunette beside him. The girl from the bar looked concerned as the ship lurched violently, causing McCoy to groan in fear. Jim immediately grabbed one of the clenched hands and wrapped it within his own gently rubbing his thumb along the long fingers. One hazel eye peered at him before it snapped shut as the shuttle lurched again causing the doctor to groan again in fear.

Jim leaned close whispering into an ear and rubbing the tense neck with his free hand. He continued to talk and stroke the man's neck all of the way to San Francisco. It wasn't before too long that the man, Bones as Jim has taken to calling him, relaxed enough to realize that Jim was still petting him after the shuttle had landed. With a small blush the tanned hand was snatched away.

"See no worries. We've landed all safe and sound."

Bones was wobbly as the tried to walk of the ship. Pike frowned as Jim caught the Doctor as he stumbled looking horrible. This wasn't; a dislike of flying, this was a full blown phobia. The man looked close to going into shock as Kirk steadied his knew friend.

And this was how James T. Kirk had wormed himself into his life.

Chapter 2

fan: star trek (reboot), pairing: kirk/cupid!bones, rating: nc-17, fan: fanfiction, fic: fetalis telum, fan: crossover

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