Decisions and Choices: Growing Up is a Part of Adult Hood, But I Want to be a Kid Again!!!

Apr 06, 2006 16:14

So, I have to be making some important ... possibly life changing ... decisions and choices.

I will try to give you the short version:

* August 13, 2006 I will be moving out. *   At first, my parents were going to kicking me out, or strongly suggesting me to move out by my 21st Birthday (Aug. 13, 2006). I have not done anything terrible, but my parents are just tired of me getting home past my curfew (Midnight) and I'd have to agree that if I were in their shoes, I would be tired of it too. But the other day I had a really good talk with my mom, and I think it is just going to be a mutual decision about me moving out.

Therefore I need to decide * where am I going to live? * I want to live in Mendota since that is where I spend most of my time, and I believe that the ministry I have in Mendota is strong, plus I could possibly be more involved than what I am.

If I live in Mendota, I will be saving money on gas due to less driving but I think the transmission is going out in my car. Therefore, * am I going to buy a new car ? * My car has been acting up for a while, but it seems to be getting worse lately and the problems that it is having is happening more frequently. It is scaring me because sometimes I feel like it is just going to stop running, and I will then be stranded without a plan of purchasing a new car. If you have any suggestions on a new car, let me know. I am open to all kinds of opinions.

So then there is the issue of money.... * where am I going to work ? * The end of September I will have been employed at the hospital in Princeton for 5 years, therefore I am going to stay at the hospital until that 5 years and in October I will decide if I still want to work there PRN (that's medical terms for: whenever needed). I am going to apply to the hospital in Mendota (because I do not like big hospitals such as IVCH). I will also apply to miscellaneous places all over Mendota, and possibly to some doctor's offices in LaSalle.

The last thing is my education; * am I going to go back to school (IVCC) in the fall to continue pursuing an Associate's in Science degree? * If I go back to school, I need to figure out how I am going to pay for it, and if I am going to go to school full time or part time.

So as you can see, I need your prayers. I need God to direct my path, and lead me the way that He wants me to go (not where I want to go). I need patience as I am waiting for God's plan to unfold and be revealed to me, and I need wisdom to be able to discern God's will for my life.
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