They Do Not Accept Themselves For Who They Are

Oct 31, 2005 22:04

Why can’t people accept me, my family, and especially themselves for who they are and who they want to become? I accept myself for the way that I am. I am not perfect and I need to change many things in my life. We all have quirky things that we do. We all have bad habits and good habits. We are not perfect and we never will be, so why can’t people just accept me for the way that I am? Why can’t they accept my family for what they have become? Why can’t they get past looking at other people’s faults and expectations that they have and start accepting themselves for not being perfect? This goes along with what Ed spoke about in our small group yesterday. He talked about focusing on realizing what sin we have in our life and getting rid of it. And also realizing how much of our sin affects other people. It was a deep and in depth Bible study, my only wish is that we all hadn’t had been so tired; however I see our tiredness as a work of the enemy.

I am having a “down day” as some people call it. I do not feel depressed or even tired, rather just a feeling of nothing. I haven’t felt this way for a while. I have no desire to do anything. If I didn’t have a reason to get up out of bed, then I’d probably still be there. My day started of by getting up later than I had wished, however I still made it to school on time. At noon I went to work at Pizano’s and it was OK until there was a long line of people and it was just Eric on the register and myself trying to gather all of the food. At that moment it was stressful and I was annoyed, but there was nothing to do except suck it up because sometimes things like that happen. Then after work I sat and talked to Eric while I eating my food. I was starting to feel better, but the feeling of emptiness was still there. After I finished my food I went to the Fitness Center to work out for my class that I am taking, and while I was there the time seemed to drag. I got my 30 minutes in for the day and I went to my grandparent’s (my dad’s parents) house to take out their garbage as I do almost every week. While I was there I asked my Grandma where my Grandpa was and she then informed me that he has been in the hospital since yesterday evening. I was in total shock, because I talked to my mom this morning and she did not mention anything to me about my Grandpa being admitted into the hospital. Granted it is not anything too serious, but I was talking to Eric about my grandparents today and I was trying to tell him how much my Grandpa is deteriorating away. It is his fault for the way he is. He used to be a binge drinker of alcohol during weekends or holidays, and every day he wanted his beer and paper on his table by the couch when he got home from work. He also smoked a lot for an extended period of time. He is now in his eighties and as a result of his binge drinking and consistent smoking he is slowly dying of kidney failure and heart disease. I believe the last time he was in the hospital the doctor diagnosed him with emphysema. He is taking medication to help him cope with his problems, but it causes me emotional pain when I see him suffering and in so much pain. After taking the garbage out and doing a few other things for my Grandma, I began driving home. I did not want to sit in silence, so I called some people who I have neglected to call for a while because I have “been too busy” or I “conveniently forgot” (Ed also talk on those things). Unfortunately, I only talked to one person out of the five people that I called, and I only talked to them for about five minutes. The first thing that I began doing when I got home was homework. (Keep in mind it is abnormal for me to do homework without procrastinating.) As I was typing a paper on the computer, I over heard my dad talking to my mom on the phone. I am unsure what they were talking about and I don’t really care; however I do care about what I heard. My dad said, “They don’t appreciate Brian (my brother) for his accounting abilities, or you (my mom) for …” which when I head this I knew my dad was talking about: my other grandparents (mom mom’s parents). I knew this because they are judgmental and nothing seems to be good enough. Sometimes I think if I became a doctor that I would be their favorite grandchild; however my purpose in life is not to make them happy rather to serve God and make Him happy. Which brings me to my first sentence: Why can’t people accept me, my family, and especially themselves for who they are and who they want to become?

Nothing ever seems good enough for some people. They buy the best car, but in a year decide that there is a better car that they want. Nothing in life makes them truly happy. (Right now I am not talking about my grandparents.) They are never content with what they have. Some people have the luxury to buy nice things, while other people have to work hard for the things that they have which may be second best. Why are some people not content with what they have? As I think about that question I could come up with many psychological problems that they may have or even the simplest answer that they want to keep up with The Jones’s. But I think the real answer is: they do not accept themselves for who they are. They may even have sin in their life, but do not realize it because they are focusing on what other people are doing or what other people may think of them. I sometimes fall in this category of trying to live up to other people’s/ societies expectations rather than God’s expectations of myself, or I may even judge people before I judge myself. I admit this is wrong and I apologize to anyone of whom I have ever judged. I believe that I read somewhere that you have to learn how to love yourself before you can really love other people. Therefore, a person should accept themselves for who they are and not place high expectations on other people.
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