Apr 19, 2005 21:16
So I went out for the job interview in IL. It went amazingly well, they really liked me and now I am in the running with 4 other people. Not bad for it being 300+ to begin with. It is a wonderful school and I will definitely be upset if I don't get it. A part of me wants it just so that I don't have to deal with the inadequacy of California public schools. See, I probably spelled that word wrong because I am a product of the CA school system! Not to mention that getting that job would put me with my honey, always a plus. Now if only it could put me in the tropics...
If I get this job I am not going to want to move back to CA. And Andrew told his parents he is planning on asking me to marry him sometime in the future...the rest will be a surprise. His parents are happy and cool with it so if all goes well I will be relocating and freezing!
<3 to Jacque and Merideth