(no subject)

Jan 20, 2004 02:58

First off, I'm in a literary crisis. Wandering in bookstores today, I felt overwhelmed by the (grossly incorrect) feeling that I'd read all the books in the world that were really Worth Reading. I haven't read much in ages, mostly out of business and laziness, but also because I've exhausted the collections of Authors I Like and Authors I Ought Read, that I can think of. So, as one of my goals this semester is to Read More, I need the assistance of everyone around me in collecting up a respectable list of Books To Be Read. Dyanne and I intend to compile a joint list, and attempt to plow through at least some of it, ideally. :) So, please provide mr with whatever suggestions you might have. They will be much appreciated. Unless they are dumb, in which case they will be mocked.

Next I would like to bring up this issue, which Joe reminded me of, as yet another reason to hate Canada. My school has been forcing students to submit their papers to an online anti-plagarism site, which also catalogs and saves them against future cheating. For the record, yes, I may endorse the consumption of small children, and profess complete indifference to the fate of the starving masses, but I am absolutely against anything that infringes upon one's right to privacy. Had McGill asked me to send any of my essays to this site, I likely would have submitted, but felt distinctly violated and morally outraged. So I'm immensely pleased that the courts of Canada have declared this practice unacceptable. Now all we have to do is actually legalize pot and gay marriage.

And, lastly, I'd like your participation, dear reader, in a bit of... speculation. Recently (yesterday) I discovered that my latest all-consuming desire is for a nightgown- not just any nightgown, but one fraught with lace and yards of utterly extraneous white fabric. I actually have perfectly acceptable pajamas, in spades, so the purchase of an Expensive Nightgown would be entirely superfluous, and probably throw me over-budget for the month. Just the same, I'm fairly miserable at resisting these Desires, traditionally. So the question is, then, how many days until I succumb to my own weakness, and purchase the much-coveted garment?

Also if you don't respond to this and give me books to read, I will cry and cry. So please do.
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