Jul 31, 2006 15:00
it really upsets me that i have a higher maturity level than my 46 year old uncle. Today during drivers ed which i have to have my grandma drive me to (due to the fact that i dont have my lisense yet) i called my grandma and asked her if she could take me to walmart real quick after. i knew what i needed, i knew what isle it was in, and how much it was. and i had cash on me. 5 minutes, seriously. However she couldnt do that purely because she had to be busy practically babysitting her first born child. he already lived his life, hes almost 50 years old. and its about time that he starts acting like the fucking adult he is, so i can start being the kid.
other than that, drivers ed was okay. more parallel parking. i have a migraine. and i have to work tonight.